Ladies supporting women in Critic Arley

Lydia went through the three clothes the dressmaker delivered one by one she sat with a sigh her back aching from trying all three on to find out Ms Janet got everyone right and there was no need for any adjustment

"The dresses are beautiful and it was rapidly delivered, I'm content" her voice drifted into the silence as she sat gingerly in her now different gown.

"Thank you Lady Theodore" Ms. Janet expressed her gratitude for the acknowledgement from the lady of the city.

Lydia resisted the urge to roll her eyes before saying "If you ever wish to call me by my name do not hesitate"

Ms Janet didn't get a chance to reply as the door was stretched open by an attention-seeking face 'Hound' who came in with a tray that Lydia viewed as old and itch-inducing, the tray carrying a single cup filled with water as his next words confirmed.

"Lord Theodore said to bring water to his thirsty wife"

"I'm the Lady of the house" she pointed out