Preparing for Azul's arrival


Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


As the golden hues of dusk painted the sky above, Lydia sat upon the pavement outside her mansion, her slender figure illuminated by the soft glow of a flickering lamp post. 

She was clad in a flowing gown of midnight blue silk, she cradled a book in her hands, its pages bathed in the warm light as she attempted to immerse herself in its words.

Yet, despite her best efforts, a heavy weariness weighed upon her, her eyelids drooping with each passing moment. 

The rhythmic cadence of her breath echoed in the quiet stillness of the evening, a soothing lullaby that threatened to pull her into the embrace of slumber.

But Lydia remained steadfast in her resolve, her persistence fueled by the anticipation of her husband's return.