The Royal Invitation.

2days Later.


Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


"Master, the royal guards are here" Shade alerted Theodore after materialising into his office.

Theodore looked up from his papers to ask. "Where?" with a creased brow.

"Outside the gates, two of them" Shade.

Theodore mumbled an ok before calling out for Gabriel. The latter stepped in with a passive face.

"Gabriel would you be so kind as to bring me the guards from outside the gates" Theodore.

The boy bows. "Of course, Lord Theodore"

The mansion had been in a peaceful and warm era for the past two days and Theodore somehow knew that wouldn't last. His guess wasn't wrong.

Gabriel strode purposefully towards the imposing wrought iron gates.

His heavy boots echoed on the cobblestone path, the only sound in the quiet morning air.