Traveling To The Citadel.

Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Dorothy gave good reasons.

Joyous nodded. "She would be fine" she agreed.

"Yes and we bored" Dorothy puckered her lips. They were quiet the maids.

"Certainly, let us hope she does not lock the doors to her library" Joyous said with a giggle.

"Oh shut up, she is not as cruel, but she does love her books to heaven, we could really get bored" Dorothy waved Joyous off with an explanation.

"But there's lady Helena" Joyous pointed out.

Dorothy rolled her eyes. "She is not a lady, she lived with a man!"

"Dorothy-" she cut Joyous off.

"A man she was not married to, that is blasphemy" Dorothy continued.

Joyous closed the trunk. "Okay but she is a good person, needless to say"

"I fear she is a bit of a bad influence on our lady still" and is Dorothy observant?