The Inn.


Carriage, Road.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.


Lydia remembered her conversation with Theodore last night, the other night after Sandra's visit to the mansion, they'd been talking so much when she added a question.

"What are we to do about your family?" she had whispered.

He shifted. "The royal family?" he said.

"Well…yes" she answered.

She felt uncomfortable, why is he so distant with them?

Hers ignored her and treated her like a maid but she didn't exactly hated them, she merely returned their feelings and avoided them, perhaps that's what he took was doing.

"We shall not talk about them, they are unimportant and full of evil schemes" Theodore said grimly.

"If I could I would love to not be associated with them" he added.

"That can't happen anymore Theo, they could order for us, anytime" she pointed out.

He sighed. "I know, I am sorry" he apologised.