Who Are They?

Each of them had a reason, a motive to end Sergio De Santis, while he felt secure in himself, confident that he would soon eliminate his enemies.

He kept them under surveillance, ready to act at the precise moment.

Bruno came home early from the office, and Nicole had cooked his favorite dish. After eating, Bruno spoke to Nicole.

"I think it's time for us to move to the new house. I want us to go right now to choose the furniture, and as soon as they deliver it, we'll move. What do you think?"

"Alright, let's go pick them."

"Can I come with you?"

"Of course, you can choose the furniture for your room."

"Dad, what about the furniture in my room here?"

"Everything will stay as it is here. We can stay here whenever we want."

They went out to buy the furniture and spent the whole afternoon selecting them. In the last store they visited, Nicole left them for a moment to go to the restroom. While Santi was choosing his furniture, Lidia walked by and approached Bruno.