Chapter 29: The Crownlands Calls

By the fifth day, they escaped the oppressive grasp of the Kingswood Road. To nobody’s surprise, the sky was not much clearer on the other side. Much like the Midlands side of the Kingswood, the Crownsland side had been blockaded in hopes to quell the threats while they waited for reinforcements from the capital. The caravan, by that same coin, was a surprise to the guards.

“Halt!” one called, and Marion could see the guard was a human. He couldn’t be much older than sixteen, his helmet sat crooked on his head and even his uniform seemed too big on him. The group came to a slow stop a few meters away from the blockade. The other guard was young too, though probably a year older than his brother-in-arms.

“Under whose order do you halt travelers making it through the Kingswood?” Eris called, pulling on his reins. “It was certainly not the orders of the King, was it?”