Chapter 36: Lemons

By the time that Eris was dismissed from the drawing room, both he and Marion had become fluent in both bullshit and lying. It was by no means an easy feat, let alone one that he enjoyed undertaking, but it was easier than navigating the truth with a man who did not care for it. He entertained his father’s desire to be humored, after all he could not decline the wants and wishes of a king.

He instinctively reached for the elf’s hand as they exited into the hallway. “Marion, I don’t want to stay,” he whispered hurriedly, a panicked gleam in his eye.

“Marion!” A shrill little voice came from down the hall. The elf immediately tensed, releasing Eris’ hand as if they had been shocked or cut. They spun a heel, hands raised defensively, though their posture largely shielded Eris from view.