Chapter 44: Forsaken Pride

The rain had begun to slow to a steady sprinkle, a weather most fitting for the spring around them. The palace garden was drowned, but the greenery had fought all the same to grow. It would soon be time for renewal after the flood. Eris still stood above Ouranos, blood soaked face tilted down to meet his gaze.

“Well? Do you have an answer? Do you think you’re worthy of an afterlife where you are loved? Even a chance at one, if it is as you claim and the gods have abandoned us?” The prince’s head tilted. A chill clung to him, a cloud of icy mist hanging about him as a cloak.

“Do you even know what you have done, Father? Aligning yourself with demons… for what? Power? Necromancy?”

“Power, my child,” Ouranos whispered, black blood still dripping down his chest. The leathery wings laid limply against the cold stones beneath them. At last, he broke his gaze from that of his son’s, no longer able to withstand the scorn. “Power, it is all I wanted…”