Chapter 49: In-Laws

A pile of gifts and offerings had accumulated around the pair upon the dais, Marion seated in the smaller of the two thrones, Eris’ hand still held within their own. A proverbial mountain had formed with the well wishing and the congratulations that they received. The occasional oath was renewed as surviving members of the Crownsguard came forward to pledge themselves to Eris now that he was king. The retinue of shifters had approached, each bearing beautiful little gifts; wood carvings and jewelry made from brass and bone and simple quartz.

Eris had taken those little gifts from his retinue and stowed them away for safekeeping, lest someone mistake them for common trinkets. Even worse, perhaps, that they might be mistaken as garbage and thrown away. The mood was joyful and celebratory, those in attendance doing well to enjoy the wine that was offered.