Chapter 39: Correspondence

The night before was awful. Tris had to keep herself together so Nick could fall apart, and it was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. Ginger and Lucas had left; they saw them off. Nick’s face had been stone until they made it up to their chamber, which felt cold and empty.

Ember had tucked herself into bed after dinner, so Tris curled up with Nick in the bed and tried to comfort him. No matter how many times she sees it, Tris would never get used to seeing him so vulnerable. It made her happy in a way, knowing he can let himself go around her, but she also felt helpless.

Even Dom wasn’t able to console him into a better mood. Tris felt just as desperately lost without the two friends who had become such a welcome part of her day. Lucas had given her a hug goodbye and whispered in her ear to keep an eye on the prince.