Nick’s head is still a bit foggy, although he isn’t having any trouble remembering what Sandra did to his family. If Tris hadn’t been able to save him, there’s no telling what the dethroned Queen would have done in his family’s name. He was hoping to have a few minutes to catch his breath and process what just happened, but an angry crowd gathers behind him.
“Why don’t you let me brush off the old cobwebs and handle this one?” Draco offers, placing his hand on Nick’s shoulder.
“You really wouldn’t mind?” Nick replies, not having the energy to calmly address the frantic subjects.
Draco smiles and walks toward the people, his hands raised up in an effort to call the group to order. A few people recognize him, changing the mood of the crowd from one of anger to eager acceptance. Nick’s happy the Kingdom’s inhabitants are relieved to have their old King back. He can’t wait to get this over with so he can take Tris back to the Isle and start their life together.