The Tides of War

The slayers stood across from the trio of strangers. Axel was the first to break away from the group and walk to the center of the room.

"Okay, cut the weird shit. Did you come looking for me or what?"

"Axel!" Jun said in a hushed voice as he caught up with him. "We still don't know anything about them or what's going on. Don't go around assuming things."

Axel brushed him off. "I mean come on, how else does someone just magically pull food out their ass in a war torn area?" He didn't have the patience for anyone's games. Between Conquest and Admin, Axel was starting to feel he had strings attached to him.

"Hahahaha!" The man's deep chuckle seemed to vibrate through them as he stood up from the dresser. "Don't even worry about it guys. I would be suspicious too." He walked over to meet Axel and Jun in the middle of the room. Both of them kept a keen eye on each of the man's movements. Ready to act at a moment's notice.