The Real Deal

Even after hearing the words straight from his mouth, Axel still questioned if he had heard him correctly. Would a God really so nonchalantly reveal themselves? He was hesitant to make the first move against him. Admin's warning about the power difference between Gods was echoing throughout his head.

If she was being legit...does he even stand a chance against him?

Axel, for once, decided to keep a cool head. "Is that your idea of a joke or something, Sun?"

Sun raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh? Why would I do that? You can call me War by the way, I just made that shit up on the way here."

Axel was still unable to sense any divine energy coming off of him. There was still the possibility that he was being strung along. But he couldn't think of a single reason why a human would play pretend like that. Not to mention he thought that Gods couldn't enter their realm unless by Beast of Apocalypse.