A Proposition

The actual slayers of the Melidon City Brigade blocked the only entrance as they were waiting on the word to execute their new visitors. 

The guy with the halberd spoke up again, "What's the deal here, Gray? New visitors causing new problems like I always tell you they will?" He looked from Axel to Iris. "So. A contracted slayer hanging out with a freelancer. That's a new one."

"Well don't get used to it, we won't be here long." Axel retorted.

"No. You won't."

Axel felt a bead of sweat drop down his back. It wasn't just their collective strength that stayed his hand. Individually they weren't really anything to knock either. 

How are they so strong?! Thought Axel. I thought contracteds weren't allowed to consume cores, but this isn't the type of strength you just get from training.