From Within the Shadows, Part 1

Axel watched in Iris's memories as he had activated the portal with his flames and then vanished.

"Axel!" Iris shouted. She made a dash toward the portal, but the flames were blocking her. She swiped her arm out and cleared the flames with some kind of wind Art. But by the time she made it through the portal was already gone.

Iris had her hand out at if she was trying to grab Axel at the last moment and he was just out of reach. "That was...a portal?" She dropped her hand and had a desperate look on her face.

"But to where?! That literally could've taken him anywhere! I don't even know if it was to a different dimension, planet, or whatever!"

Axel couldn't help but notice how upset Iris appeared by his absence. He doesn't recall ever having someone care about if he was there or not. Honestly, sometimes it was worse for him if he wasn't gone.