From Within the Shadows, Part 2

To Axel, it was like watching an action movie unfold in front of his eyes. For Iris, this was a fight to survive.

The spirit of the armor had taken full control and was completely dominating the non-super powered cultists. It was as if it was fighting mere children. The cultists were picked up and slammed into hard unforgiving surfaces, some were ripped apart at weird and non-weird angles. 

It was only a matter of a minute before the armor had finished its job and a sea of dead cultists laid before it's(Iris's) feet. 

"i NEED mOrE! MoRE bLLoOd!" It yelled out in a blood curdling voice.

"Whoa, what's its deal?" Axel asked. "The last time it came out it sounded so much more...sane. This is how it acted during training camp."