I'm Back, Baby!


Tetia laid on her back, looking up at the ceiling of her pseudo throne room. She had one hand against the cheek that Axel had decked her in that had some slight redness.

"That didn't just happen, right?" She mumbled to herself. She could feel the ache but couldn't comprehend it. After all, Axel was just a human playing at being divine. There was no way he could actually generate enough power to bring her to her knees.

However the disbelief quickly gave way to extreme hostility.

Meanwhile, Axel was staring at the hand he used to flatten Tetia and was continuously flexing his fingers into a fist.

"I haven't hit like that since...Conquest."

< You're welcome. >

Axel perked up at the sound of Shadow in his head.

"Wait, you did this?"

< I told you, I'll help you move forward. For now. I was able to give you back some of your physical strength. >