How the hell was I going to explain everything to her? Where the hell do I start? I felt gutted and raw. There was so much pain inside that I could hardly breathe. How the hell could I tell her everything that I’d learned in the last couple of months? And how will I bear this pain? The pain of what my words might do to her.
Does it really matter? My pain was nothing compared to the hell I just heard in her voice, and though I’m not conceited enough to hold myself responsible for all of her pain, I knew at least ninety-five percent of it was because of me. Now I’m here for the first time in five years to add even more pain to her load.
I hated myself more at that moment as I stood there staring at the back of her head because she refused to turn around and face me. I could force her; I know I could. I’ve done it before, forced her to see things my way or to do any number of things that, when I look back, I feel like the worst kind of human being for doing to her.