Chaper 42: ELENA

“Don’t panic; I have everything under control. No one is going to hurt you.” I couldn’t help laughing at the worried look on his face. Then he looked really concerned when that laughter turned into howls of pure cackling. I’m sure he thought I was losing my shit, but nothing could be further from the truth. My mind was as clear as a bell in the Italian countryside.

“Elena, what…?”

“Do you know what killing people with kindness does to them, Ryder? It eats them up inside, especially when they’ve done you wrong. Though they may have no conscience, some part of them, some minuscule thread of humanity, destroys them little by little.”

“I’ve always taken the high road. I’ve always shown kindness. Even when I was being torn apart inside and out, I put a smile on my face, and I never hit back, but this there’s no way. I want them to pay. You think I’m afraid of some washed up never has been actor and his crackhead of a daughter?” I laughed even louder.