Chapter 63: CHAR

“You betrayed the code. The only way for you to come back from this is to come clean and save yourself.”

“But I didn’t know; I had no idea what these people were into. They said it was a love spell. I needed the money; I don’t even….” Her cowering was sickening.

“Spare me the rhetoric. You know what can happen if you don’t do the right thing here and you’re running out of time. The spell is broken; he’s no longer under your control, and I’ve fixed it so it can never happen again. I don’t have to tell you what will happen if I send it back to you. Or how things may turn out the next time you cast since I’m locked onto you now.”

I saw the fear in her eyes and pressed on. She’s the worst kind of seer, the kind who preys on others for monetary gain. Like the medicine men, our craft is only supposed to be meant for good for the help and welfare of our fellow man. But over the centuries, the lines have been blurred, and the worst of us have lost our way.