Chapter 64: RYDER

I can’t believe the pace at which this has all gone down. Everything around me was imploding, and I was barely able to keep up. I thought for sure this was all going to take at least a couple of months, but here we were, just a few weeks later. I get it, though; while I’ve been stuck in my own little world of complications, these men’s real purpose here was to bring home the girls, some of them now women, who have been suffering years of degradation and pain.

I’m not sure what all was supposed to happen next, but after Janie’s colossal meltdown on live TV, Lyon packed me off to New York a day early to be with her. I guess he saw the strain and stress I was under worrying about her. In my mind, even though her name was yet to be mentioned, they hated her so much, especially Janie, that I was afraid they might come after her.