Chapter 94: JANIE

After almost losing what little mind I had left dealing with that Jessica person, I headed back upstairs to cool off. That, and I could feel the shakes coming on, and there was no way I was going to let her see me like that. It was bad enough that she was here during the worst time of my life; no need to give her more to gloat over.

I’d torn the stupid piece of paper she waved around in my face in half, only to have her laugh at me and claim that that was just a copy, and she’d be more than happy to show me the original once I calmed down.

Once back in my room, I searched for and found my phone, which had been fully charged, thank heavens because there was one thing I needed to do before I blacked out from withdrawals, something I haven’t had to worry about in a long while, not since I’d hooked Ryder and his money had kept me supplied with everything I needed.