Chapter 95: ELENA

"What was that about?" As he'd asked, I waited until we made it back to the apartment before speaking, but now, instead of the press conference, that last phone call was on my mind. He'd seemed so pensive afterward, and his 'I'll talk to her' had me a bit on edge.

"It's nothing bad, so don't look like that." His reassurance helped to quell the knots in my stomach, but it was the way he pulled me in and kissed my forehead that really did it for me. It was something from our past, something he knew always gave me comfort.

I still have no idea why that one little gesture has always been so poignant for me. Maybe because there was nothing sexual about it, there was no give and take, just him offering comfort in what I found to be a most sublime way. To others, it might not seem like much, but it always gave me butterflies, and this time was no different.