WebNovelThe Thief50.00%

Winnie The Pooh

"Come on! It's like you're not even trying!" Y/n claimed as he jumped out of the of a punch from Spider-Man. "You're making this to easy old man!" He got a satisfying kind of pleasure by messing with his dad, even if he didn't know they were related. 

"You seem to know a lot about me but I know nothing about you, how'd Felicia drag you into this?" Peter asked as he finally got a good punch in and y/n fell on the ground. "I just asked" y/n replied before kicking Spider-Man in the leg. "She was happy enough to le me join her." 

"What are you to her?" Peter asked as he groaned and held his leg before looking at the boy. "She never lets anyone join her heists." "You'll find out eventually. Or never" y/n replied before jumping to the nearest rooftop. "See ya Spider-man" 

Half an Hour Later 

Y/n walked into the apartment as Felicia turned her head to look at him from the couch. "How'd it go little spider?" "Easy as ever" y/n replied as he pulled a large diamond out of his pocket and placed it on the table. He then pulled off his mask and got a cup and filled it with water. "When do we get to do stuff more challenging?" 

"We agreed that you'd start small," Felicia said as she stood up and walked over to her son. "We'll get to the big stuff soon enough, you just have to be patient" "Alright Fine" y/n agreed with a groan. "I'm going to bed," he said before walking off towards his room. 

The Next Day

"Morning y/n!" Cassie called as she walked up to the boy's car. She had just finished walking to school when she noticed her friend parking in front of the school. "morning blondie" y/n replied as he got out of the car. He walked up to the girl and wrapped an arm around the girl's waist.

"Do you ever stop with the flirting?" Cassie asked as she moved his arm away form herself. " What fun would that be?" Y/n asked as he smiled at her. The pair then walked together into the school building. 

A while later the two sat in their first class. "This is boring," y/n said with a sigh as he looked over at Cassie. "We aren't even ten minutes into the class" Cassie replied with a sigh "You're really going to hate school." "I already do" y/n replied before throwing an eraser at the back of the teacher's head. The teacher turned back to the class and tried to figure out who threw the eraser 

"Don't do that" Cassie chastised him as the teacher turned back to the board. "Why not?" Y/n replied with a smirk. "As long as I don't get caught I don't see any issue with doing this" he finished before throwing another eraser a the teacher head. 

"I'm starting to see why you never lasted more than a year in a single school before" Cassie replied with a sigh. 

Lunch Time 

"Good morning," America Chavez said as she walked up to the usual group and sat down next to Billy. "Morning," Cassie said looking upset as she slowly ate her food. She seemed upset. "Where's the new kid?" America decided to ask once she realized he wasn't there. "Off making new friends" Cassie replied with a sigh before pointing towards the boy. 

"Is that Yelena Belova he's hanging out with?" America asked as she looked a the boy and the girl sitting on his lap "Not even two days in school and he's already fallen in with a bad crowd" 

"That's what Cassie is so upset about" Billy replied with a sigh. "She's been pouting for the last ten minutes" 

"What's Yelena even doing in the US?" I thought she was kicked out for being a Russian spy" Cassie asked as she kept pouting "Black Widow convinced the government to let her take Yelena in and undo all the brian washing" America replied with a shrug. "She's still a bitch though" 

"Look Cassie he's going to make other friends, you knew that," Billy said as Cassie turned to him. "You just have to accept that even mean girls find him interesting enough to hang out with" 

"Yeah but why would he want to hang out with Yelena?" Cassie asked angrily "Because he's a flirt and she's a flirt and she's incredibly attractive" America replied as she watched Yelena and y/n was still sitting on his lap. 

After School

Y/n exited the building and walked to his car as Cassie walked up to him "Hey y/n!" she said happily as the boy turned to her with a smile. "Hey Cass" he replied before putting an arm around her. "What's up?" 

"I was going to hang out with a friend and was wondering if you'd like to come with me," Cassie said with a hopeful look at the boy. "I'd love to" y/n replied with a smile "I'll drive us, you just tell me where to go," the boy said as he got into his car and opened the passenger side door" "Get in babe" 

"Yes Sir" Cassie replied with a mock salute."Nice car" Cassie said with a smile as she got in the blue vehicle "Seems old" "It's a Nineteen fifty-one Hudson hornet coup" y/n replied with a smirk before starting driving "It's that old?!" Cassie asked as she looked around the car. "How the hell is this thing still driving?!" 

Y/n laughed a bit at the girl's reaction "Perfectly" he replied. "Where are we heading?" 

Half an hour later

"Cassie! Over here!" The two teens turned their heads as they noticed a brown-haired girl sitting in the outdoor part of a nearby restaurant. "That's her" Cassie said to y/n before running over to the girl. "Y/n this is ANya Corazon, Anya this Y/n Hardy" she introduced the two. 

"Nice to meet you," Anya said with a smile as she looked at the boy with a small blush. "The pleasure's mine beautiful" y/m replied before picking up the girl's hand and kissing it. "And a flirt" Cassie pouted a bit before going back to her normal self. Y/n smiled at Anya before picking up a menu. "So whats good here?" 

2 hours later

Cassie lay in the back of y/n car passed out as he and Anya sat in the front. "You really can't hold your liquor can you?" Y/n asked with a laugh. ?H-Hey! this is y-your fault Not ours" Anya replied as she leaned her head on the boy's shoulder. "You got us that wine with your fake ID. You're a criminal" she said that last part teasingly

"Oh you have no idea" y/n replied with a smirk before parking the car in front of cassie's house. "Wake up drunk girl!" Y/n yelled to the back of the car. Cassie immediately jumped up after hearing the yell. "T-thanks" she said she got out of the car and tumbled a bit before catching herself. "S-see you T-tomor-row" 

Y/n and Anya drove off once Cassie had successfully gotten into her house. Even if she had gone in through the window by accident of the door. "Let's go back to your place" Anya said with a smirk as she looked up at the boy. "Oh so you're that kind of drunk huh?" y/n asked as he drove towards his apartment builiding 

"Yes I am" she replied with a smirk "I'm about to rock your world" A few minutes later the two arrived at y/n apartment building. "How far?" Anya asked as she go out of the car and held onto y/n so that she didn't collapse because of how drunk she was 

"The penthouse" y/n replied before they walked into the building and entered the elevator. Once the elevator doors opened the two teens walked into the apartment "Wow, this is really nice" Anya said as she looked around. The two then walked over to the couch. 

Y/n sat down and pulled Anya onto his lap "Let's do this" Anya smirked as she pulled her shirt off and then her bra off before throwing them behind her "Wow" y/n said with a smirk as he looked at the girl before him "Uh-I'm not sure how as a parent I should be responding to this" The two teens turned to see Felicia standing behind the couch. "Eep! Anya quickly squealed before covering her bare boobs and burying her head in y/n chest. 

"I thought you were going out tonight?" Y/n asked as he looked at his mom "I saw but I finished what I went out to do early" Felicia replied as he motioned toward a new painting that now hung on the wall. Y/n had heard about the painting on the news, apparently, it had belonged to the mob until it was taken by the police in a raid. "Now what the hell is going on here?" 

"I think that's pretty obvious" y/n replied as he motioned towards the naked girl on his lap. "We were going to turn on the TV and watch Winnie the Pooh" "And why does she need to be half naked for that" Felicia asked. She wanted to see where this stupid story was going. "To set the mood" y/n replied with a shrug. " Maximum happiness while watching it" 

Felicia glarded at her son. "Whatever, just make sure that you do it in your room," Felicia said before walking off "And wear a condom" "Yeah, wouldn't want her to end up like you" y/n replied with a laugh as Felicia exited the room Anya looked up at y/n once she heard Felicia's bedroom door close. "I know we were going to have sex but now I'd much rather watch Winnie the Pooh and make our way up to the sex" she said with a shy smile. 

"I'd love nothing more" Y/n replied with a smile before kissing the girl quickly.