I couldn't stop pacing around after Nick left to go talk to my father. What the hell was he going to say to my father? That man was stubborn as hell and barely listened to anyone.

Nick would have to make a miracle happen to make dad accept him into our family. Nick looked pretty confident when he asked dad to go talk so I'll have to trust him.

"Why are you so worried? Do you think dad will eat your boyfriend or something?"

Terra enters the living room with a glass of white wine. She sits down crossing her legs. "If you think I believe what you're saying then you're wrong Sam."

"What exactly is your problem?" I walk over to her finally having enough of her shit.

"Sam I know you think you're our family's hero and that you're this selfless person who would do anything for her loved ones but you're wrong. It's not only you who can make sacrifices for this family."

"Terra this isn't a competition."

"Oh but It is...and once I marry Michael and save our family from ruin...I'll win."

"What's the prize though?!"

"You think I can't do anything don't you? Just watch me Samantha. I'll make mom and dad proud."

Terra really doesn't understand a thing. She is so lost that I doubt anyone can help her find her way at this point. What saddens me is that I had no idea my own sister had so much hatred for me. I wonder how long she has felt this way.

To think all of this is happening because of Micheal is angering. I just can't believe Terra thinks that I wanted to marry him to look like some saviour because that wasn't my intention at all. I thought that I'd finally do something to redeem myself after the mess that happened when I went to Korea.


My eyes dart to my father's office where Nick walks out from, with a busted lip. Terra grins seeing this.

"Oh my god Nick!"

I rush to his side unable to believe my father would do this to him. Nick smiled although I'm sure that must have hurt too.

"What happened?"

"We talked things out."

Sighing I run into the office wanting my father to explain why he had to use violence. I stop in my tracks seeing the once tidy office was a mess looking like a tornado had just hit.

Dad sat by his desk with his head on the desk. Immediately I felt scared that Nick might have hurt my dad.

"Dad! are you okay?"

He looks up with a grim expression on his face. I run to his side to make sure he was okay.

"Dad!" I call out feeling anxious because he wasn't saying a word.

Terra stood at the door looking confused. "What the hell happened in here?"

"Nick?!" I yell feeling myself growing more anxious. "What happened? What did you two talk about huh?"

"Nothing. Ask your father." He said before leaving to go upstairs. I turn to my dad shaking his arm.

Terra rushes inside the office too. "Daddy. Please say something."

"Dad please talk to me." I beg feeling really scared now. He has never looked like this before.

He looks up at me with tears filling his eyes. Dad places his hand on my cheek. "I'm sorry Samantha."

Terra gives me a nasty stare before walking out of dads office.

"Dad what's wrong?"

He drops his head in defeat as tears began falling. "Why do I always hurt you out of all my children?"

I've never seen my father in such a condition before, not even after what happened a few years back.

"Dad. Please don't cry."

He shakes his head sobbing. "I..I...continue to fail you as a father...I'm sorry."

"Stephan!" Mom rushes into the office to console dad. "My love calm down. Sam, go get your father a glass of water."

I get up to do as I was told. Mom hugs him whispering to him that its okay. What the hell did Nick do to my father?

"Raymond!" I call out in the living room. He takes less than a minute to arrive.

"Yes Miss Samantha?"

"Get my father a glass of water and his pills." I ordered before running to my room to talk to Nick.

I open the door feeling like punching Nick for causing my father to be in such a state. How dare he make my father cry?

Looking around the room I realize he was in the bathroom. "Nick! Come out now!"

"I'm taking a shower Sammy." He says from inside.

"We need to talk!" I repeated thanking the heavens that I was born a calm person otherwise I'd barge in that bathroom and talk to him while he's naked.

The door opened revealing a half naked Nick. He was covered in water droplets and had a towel covering his lower regions. He leans against my desk crossing his arms waiting for me to talk.

"What happened in there?"

"I told him the truth."

"The truth?" I ask because there's no way he told my Father that we just lied to him and the entire family.

Nick shrugs. "I told him that he is a bad father. That's the truth."

I don't even see myself move but the next thing I knew is that I had slept Nick as hard as I could across his left cheek.

"How dare you?!"

He doesn't react to the slap instead he just smiles. "Sammy. He sold you to my uncle. He gave you up to save his company. What kind of father does that?"

"He did that for our family! He had no choice!" I yell as tears fell down my cheeks. "I love my family and would do anything for them! I don't expect you to understand this of course!"

"And why cant I understand?!"

"You hate your family and it seems that money and power is all you people care about!"

Nick scoffs. "Yeah right and your family doesn't care about money?"

His question felt like a slap across the face. Nick walks closer to me, "If money didn't matter they would've let the company go and not force you to marry my uncle!"


"What Sam? Can't you handle the truth? That they chose the money and comfort over you?"

His words hit me like a truck. Nick was right. Dad accepted Michael's offer and asked me to marry him. I was made to feel like I had a choice but I really didn't...how could I disappoint everyone again?

Sitting on the bed I let the tears I've held back for so long fall. Nick quickly rushes to my side.

"Damn it...Sammy I'm sorry." He hugs me and I let him. "I shouldn't have said all those things to you and your dad."

"But you're right...Nick I don't matter...not to them or anyone." I rest my head on his shoulder crying harder.

"Don't say that Sam. Your family loves you...I was just bitter. I'm really sorry."

He rubs my back gently which actually comforted me. Nick's scent invaded my nostrils making me realize just now that we were a bit too close.

The man was shirtless and I was holding onto him for dear life. Pulling away from his embrace I quickly looked away. "I'm sorry. I got too emotional just now."

"It's okay..."

"You should go get dressed...you'll catch a cold. "


Nick gets up taking some clothes to the bathroom with him. I decide to lay down feeling exhausted from today's event's.

Why can't things be simple in my life? Must I always struggle like this?