"Wake up Sammy."

I turn to my side feeling exhausted although I just woke up. The sunlight came through my bay window hitting me in my face.

Slowly I force myself to open my eyes. Nick was dressed already and had an amused look on his face.

"What?" I ask annoyed. He points at my mouth.

"I didn't know you slept with your mouth open." Nick laughs but I was beyond embarrassed. Why the hell was he looking at me while I was sleeping.

I get up throwing him with a pillow before running to the bathroom. "Nick you jerk stop watching people sleep!" I shout from inside the bathroom.

"Sorry. I wake up early so It wasn't my fault." He's still laughing as he says that.

I roll my eyes feeling agitated. Last night he made me cry and today he's teasing me. What kind of man is he?

"Hurry. Your mom said your dad wanted to say something to us." Nick says. This leaves me anxious. Dad wasn't feeling well yesterday, what is he going to say today?

Will he try to fight with Nick again? Or will he accept our marriage?

"Don't overthink things alone. Just get ready and we'll go find out what's going to happen." Nick seems to be in my head or something because he knows what to say to calm me down.

"Whatever! I'll be ready soon!"

"Okay wifey!"

"Shut up!"


We walk downstairs hand in hand because Nick insisted. I kept my shower short and got ready in record timing. I made my hair curly today with little makeup.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Sakurada. We are having breakfast outside today." Raymond said surprising Nick and I.

"Sakurada?" I question. Raymond smiles at me before saying, "You are married now after all my dear."

I nod smiling back at him. "Thank you Raymond."

"You're very welcome Mrs Sakurada."

Hearing my new surname was odd. I just don't think I'll be used to being anyone's wife. I've never wanted to be married to begin with.

"Let's go eat my love." Nick gently tugs my hand gaining my attention.

"So impatient."

"Well. I'm excited to hear what your dad has to say."

That makes me remember dad wanted to talk to us. I quickly lead Nick to the garden where everyone already sat even Shawn's girlfriend Camila was there.

"Morning everyone." Nick greets smiling widely showing his dimples. Mom immediately gets up to hug us both.

"Morning Nick dear. Did you treat your lip?" Mom asks making me remember dad had hit him.

"Sammy took care of me." He lies but I felt guilty I didn't help him. Taking a closer look it looked purple where dad hit him.

"That's good. Please sit you two." Mom gestures for us to sit. I take Nicks hand in mine leaning closer to whisper.

"Does it hurt?"

He shakes his head no mouthing. "I'm okay."

Terra coughs to get everyone's attention. "You two are making us feel super single." She sarcastically says.

"I'm sorry. I forgot you were here." I shot back making her turn away.

"Kids. Behave." My mom says keeping the peace. Turning to My father he looked so deep in his thoughts I doubted he noticed Nick and I arrived.

"Hey Camila." I greet my brother girlfriend. She smiles at me eyeing Nick.

"Heyyyy Sam. Why wasn't I a bride's maid?" She teases.

"It all happened suddenly...but I think we'll have a big wedding later." I lied faking a smile too.

"That's good. I want to be there for you and your hot man." Her words make me laugh.

"This breakfast looks amazing mom." Camila sweetly says. Her red hair was looking brighter in the sun. She was a beautiful girl who fit well with my brother.

"Thank you Cami."

Nick looks at me smiling as he ate. I wondered how he always manages to look so in love. Was he a professional womanizer or something?

"Eat my love." He sweetly tells me. Camila smiles at me giving me a thumbs up. I sat across from her and Shawn so she was probably observing us.

"Dad. Did you want to say something to the happy couple?" Terra says the thing that has been on my mind for awhile now.

He looks at us realizing everyone was waiting for him to talk. "Uh...yes...I thought about this whole situation and I...have decided to let Sammy and Nick stay together."

I heard him but it seems so unbelievable. "What?!"

"Look Sam. I almost made you do something you'd regret forever. So now I want you to be happy."

"But dad! What about the business?!" Terra yells.

"Nick here promised to sort that out. Everything is okay." Dad smiles at us but his smile fails to reach his eyes. I don't know why he's pretending to accept everything out of nowhere.

"Dad. Thank you!" Nick gets up rushing to give him a hug. I get up to hug him after Nick.

"Nick please look after my daughter in Japan."

"I will. I promise." He says taking my hand into his.


"Terra." I call out to her making her stop walking. I climb the stairs to get to her. She had left the breakfast table looking completely pissed which made no sense.

"What now?!" She coldly snaps at me. I ignore her harsh tone so we can have a proper conversation.

"Terra. You're my sister, I don't want us to be at odds. Especially now that I'm leaving."

"I hope you never come back."

"You don't mean that."

She gives me a nasty grin. "Nick loves you so much doesn't he?"

"What are you trying to say huh?"

Terra moves closer. "Do you think Nick will love you still even after finding out that you are a-"

I grab her arm squeezing it tightly. Her eyes widen as I squeeze even more causing her to groan in pain.

"Terra. I'm warning you. Watch your damn mouth!"

"What? Does Nick not know what kind of person you really are?" She says through gritted teeth.

"Terra!" I warn making my hold on her arm tighter.

"Let go of me you psycho!" She shoves me hard causing me to stumble back. I lose my footing and fell backwards.

Terra gasps as I almost fell off flight of stairs. Luckily Nick catches me by the waist.

"Terra what the hell is wrong with you?!" Nick said harshly causing even Terra to flinch.

He helps me stand properly. "Are you okay my love?" He looks to see if I was hurt anywhere.

"I'm fine. I was the one who caused Terra to push me." I explained.

Nick glares at her. "I think we should leave for Japan tomorrow."

I just nod wanting to get away from Terra. She almost made me bring out a part of me I really hated. Nick was able to come in time but I hope he didn't hear anything Terra said.