"Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty."

As I slowly came to I could hear Nicks voice. It sounded like it was coming from far away but as I opened my eyes I realized he was sitting right beside me.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked sounding worried. "Do you even remember what happened to you Sammy?"

"Yes I feel better...I just don't remember what happened." I lied not wanting Nick to ask me anything else.

He shook his head and laughed. "Miss Sakura found you alone in the art studio and almost head a heart attack seeing you on the floor. She ran around screaming."

"..." I don't say anything feeling overwhelming fear as I kept wondering if what I saw last night was real. Did I really see him?

"Are you really okay?" Nick's concern makes me feel guilty for some reason.

I grinned at him to make him believe me. "I am okay. I just probably felt tired."

"The doctor did say you are under tons of stress. I think it's because of everything..." He smiles placing his warm hand on mine. "I'm sorry for bring this mess into your life."

Nick does this thing where he blames himself for everything, even when he's not at fault at all like right now.

"Nick. You didn't do anything wrong. I've had tons of problems before I met you and believe me I'll probably get more...so don't blame yourself okay?"

He grins back at me. "You are the most mature person I've ever met."

"Is that a compliment?" I tease trying to get him in a better mood.

"It is." He teased back causing me to smile.


"Good morning Miss Sakura."

The huge kitchen is filled with up to six people doing different things. Miss Sakura had been instructing a younger guy to make something that honestly smelled so good it made me hungry.

"Mrs Samantha, Good morning to you to." She leaves the boy walking up to me with a smile.

"I actually came to thank you for helping me out last night. Nick...I mean Kento told me you were the one that found me." Nick was still in the room taking a shower but I had to come see Miss Sakura so he sent one of the helpers to bring me to the kitchen that I had missed lastnight.

"Please don't thank me. It is my job." She kindly says.

I kept wondering if I should ask if there was anyone else in the room but I don't want to look crazy.

"Is there anything else Mrs Samantha?"

"Yes. Please call me Sam, Samantha seems abit too formal." I laugh awkwardly still contemplating if I should ask.

"Sammy dear!"

Nick's mother, Meisa enters the kitchen in a blue and black kimono. Her eyes widen when she sees me.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Well I came to thank Miss Sakura for helping when I fainted."

"Oh. Well let's go have breakfast. I can see You're doing better."

She completely ignores Miss Sakura who stood there without saying anything. I guess maybe that's how their employee and employer relationship works.

"Sammy what were you doing in Kazuha's art studio?" She asked as we made our way to the dinning room.

So that's kazuha's art studio? I wonder why I had an illusion in there. Chills run down my back as I get flashbacks.

"I was looking for the kitchen."

"Oh darling next time call for the help to bring you water."

"It was honestly really late and I didn't want to be a bother."

"My dear that's their Job otherwise we'd be paying these people for nothing."

Her words didn't sit right with me as it sounded kind of mean and stuck up.

"Anyways next time don't be afraid to call them."


"Also. You and I are going out later. We need to buy you some Kimono's."

"Okay...will Nick-"

"Nick has to go to Work. He'll be back later tonight don't stress yourself."

If Nick will be off at work what am I supposed to do the whole time? I really didn't think things through. Like how the heck will I spend my days here.

In the dinning room sat the older couples and Kazuha. I had yet to see the children as it seems they left for school earlier.

Nick was already sat dressed in a formal wear. He really is going to work...

"Good morning everyone." I greeted as I entered the room. Awkwardly no one responded this left me so embarrassed I wanted to get out of the room.

"Come. Sit here darling." Nick says smiling at me. I nod rushing to his side. Nick starts dishing up food for me ignoring the stares we were getting.

"Um. Later today, I'll take Sammy shopping. If anyone wants to join you're welcome." Meisa telling everyone about this made me cringe as it seems the people here were not interested in anything she had to say.

"You don't make any money yet you love spending so much." Mitsuki bitterly said causing Meisa to glare at her.

"I wasn't asking for your opinion dear sister-in-law." She harshly tells Mitsuki.

"Both of you are being rude. This is Samantha's first breakfast here." Kazuha suddenly speaks up. I look at her curiously.

"Samantha I'll join you on this shopping trip." She tells me smiling sweetly. I didn't know what to make of all this.

Nick holds my hand under the table squeezing it gently.

"Yes. You're welcome to join."

She claps her hands happily. "This is good. I'll finally talk to you more after all this time."

So she remembers me? I nod smiling too. "I'm excited too."


I walked Nick to the door to see him off. He had told me earlier he had something important to tell me. I guessed it's something to do with Kazuha.

"You should buy anything you want okay? Don't hold back." Nick tells me as we got to the front door hand in hand.

"I wasn't planning on holding back to begin with. I'm actually a spoiled brat."

He laughs. "Well then I have nothing to worry about then."

"Yes. Just go."

"No kiss goodbye?" He jokes getting closer to me. Wanting to play along I don't move away.

I shrugged and said, "If you want a kiss...take it."

Nick grins before pulling me closer by my waist. I placed my hand on his shoulder looking up at him. I appreciated his height as I liked that he towers over me who at 5'6 felt like a giant sometimes.

He stroke some hair out of my face before leaning closer. "I'll go to work now."

I felt so disappointed as he let's go of me creating space between us that I hated. I watch in silence as Nick leaves, the only thing I was left with was the sound of my racing heart and growing feelings for someone I don't even know.