"This would look stunning on you." Meisa tells me showing me a floral kimono. I don't think so it would do me justice but I won't ruin my mother-in-laws happy mood due to dressing me like a doll.

I followed her and Kazuha around every store and boutique they wanted to go to. I didn't like going shopping at all and would usually throw a fit whenever Naomi and Evan tried to make me go with them.

"Come. Let's have lunch at that café." Meisa told us not giving us a chance to even say no.

Kazuha and I follow her without saying anything since we knew we wouldn't win plus I was exhausted.

As we took out seats at the table Meisa suggested some things for me to order. After awhile I was eating to my hearts content.

"You have such a good appetite...I wish I ate as good as you did."

Kazuha "complimented" me...I think. I don't know.

"...The food here is so different I'm just really a fan." I tell her trying not to sound too annoyed.

"I heard you were in Korea a few years back since my husband is Korean I know that our food a pretty similar."

"Yeah..." Now that she mentions her husband I realize I haven't met him at all. "Your husband must be really busy...I've yet to see him."

"Yes...he actually left for Tokyo, he'll be back next month. He is a actor and is shooting a show." She proudly says.

"An actor? Wow! That's really impressive."

"Yes. Anyways I just try to be supportive. I mean I have my own painting career to focus on."

"Well, I think you really did well for yourself Kazuha."

"Thank you. I mean you did well too...marrying a man who will inherit a multi billion dollar company. " I could hear the venom in her words. She was taunting me.

"Kazuha..." Meisa finally says making Kazuha fake a smile.

"Oh I mean no offence of course."

"This wasn't necessary." Meisa doesn't hide her annoyance but I smile at Kazuha before telling her something to shut her up.

"Nick means much more to me than his money...even if I met Nick in another life I'd still be in love with him."

"I bet you will..." She sips her tea avoiding further eye contact.


A few days later...I realized Nick had become extremely busy with work and something else. He'd go to work with his grandpa and Mitsuki super early, I'd wake up and see that he's gone and sometimes he'd come back very late smelling like lady's perfume. Which is why I said he's busy with work and something else.

I had to spend my days with Miss Sakura learning to cook different Japanese dishes and going out with Kazuha who often took me to art gallery's. She would say something to piss me off once in awhile but I had learned to ignore her.

These days if felt like I had no clue why I was here, Like Nick had really just used me as a prop and now he had no use for me amymore.

"Girl,why'd you go silent on me?" Naomi's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing my love. I'm just exhausted...it's really late you know." I fix the pillow underneath me that kept my neck from breaking.

"If you're sleepy go to bed...we can talk another day because I have too many questions." She tells me seriously.

"Bitch I have questions too!" Evan's voice rings out from the background making me laugh.

"Okay my babies. Have a goodday."

"You have a goodnight baby!" They said before I hung up. Placing my phone on my nightstand I prepared to sleep alone again as Nick wasn't home yet. If this was a real marriage I'd be a depressed housewife.

As I slowly began dozing off I heard movement in the room. I quickly turned on my nightlight scared it was an intruder.

"Shit! I thought you were fast asleep." Nick laughs.

I didn't want to talk to him so I turn off the light covering myself so I could go back to trying to sleep.

"So you'll sleep now?" He says turning on the main lights. I refuse to talk to him. He can go talk to the lady or whoever he was with.

"Sammy?" He innocently calls out as if he was not in the wrong for abandoning me somehow.

Nick doesn't do anything else letting me get to sleep peacefully.


"Goodmorning Sammy."

I sit up feeling sleepy still. From the corner of my eye I see Nick getting ready. Rolling my eyes I laid back down.

"...Sam, there's a important charity event I was invited to, please join me okay?"

"...Fine." I tell him trying to cut this conversation short. The more he's around the more It feels like my heart is in pain.

Nick walks over to my side of the bed stopping infront of me. "Are you mad at me?"

No Nick! Why would I be mad you don't talk to me anymore? Why would I be mad you don't spend time with me? Why should I be mad that you smell like some other woman?! I have no right being mad because I am not your wife!

"No..." I coldy said.

Nick sighs pulling the blankets off me. I gasp as he picks me up and places me on his lap.

"Let go of me!" I struggle as Nick holds me still. "Nick! I'm serious!"

"Why are you being like this?" He looks into my eyes which made me look away. I can't do this right now. I might start crying.

"Nick...let go." I repeated hitting his hands but not hard to cause him actual pain.

Nick holds me in place hugging me tightly. "Are you mad that I've not been around?"

"Nick...this isn't a real relationship, don't get things twisted."

He lets go of me instantly looking hurt for a split second before grining.

"I know...but I still feel bad leaving you all alone."

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry...since by this time next year I'd be filing for divorce."

This is exactly how things should be. Nick and I are together temporarily so I have to stop confusing my feelings...this relationship will never be real.

"If that's what you want fine." Nick harshly says before walking out of the room.