"To Jaehyun!" Mr. Sakurada says raising his glass.

We do the same before drinking the expensive Champaign. I was forced to sit beside Jaehyun and almost shat my pants.

He gave me a tiny smile as I took my seat. Jaehyun was completely immersed in the family paying me zero attention. Instead of feeling relieved this gave me anxiety.

I would rather be shouted at than to be treated so indifferent. Almost like he didn't know me.

"My love. Sam over here was starting to think you weren't real...she said you were a phantom." Kazuha tells him unable to control her laughter.

He turns to me, "I am very real...Samantha" he emphasizes my name grinning.

I gulp down my drink. "I can see." I avoid his eyes choosing to look at my food. Nick sat on my right so turning to him would also leave me feeling sick.

"Does your hand hurt?" Nick whispers getting my attention and everyone else's. There he goes pretending to be a great husband.

"I'm fine."

"I still wonder what happened." He says sounding concerned.

"She bumped into me. I ruined my clothes!" An annoyed Mitsuki said glarring at me.

I look down tired of this already. "I apologize again."

"Sammy you got hurt. Don't blame yourself too much." Nick places his hand on top of mine.

"I can see how much you love your wife Kento...It's a beautiful thing." Grandma's words leave everyone at the table speechless.

Nick looks at me lovingly. "I'm glad you can see our love grandma." "But what convinced you to accept our relationship?"

"I saw the pictures of you from the night at the charity event and I saw the way you two look at each other...it took me awhile but I support you two now...please stay happy for a long time." She says sincerely. The guilt I felt from lying to everyone slowly returned.

"To think Micheal would try to break you two up...I've really made a mistake giving birth to him." She sadly said.

Micheal may be a jerk but he is innocent. Nick probably married me to make his uncle look bad.

Kazuha suddenly slams her fists on the table. She looked angry as she looks at me and Nick.

"Let's stop talking about my father now." She glares at Nick specifically. "Dad was wrong so lets move on."

"You're right cousin. Focusing on people who wish us harm isn't worth it. "Nick grins at her.

"Sammy is that hand really okay? Did Miss Sakura take a look at your burn?" Meisa asked changing the topic easily.

"Uh. Yes. She checked my burn out. Its nothing serious." I answer quickly.

"That's good. Take care of yourself and give us a grandchild soon."

I immediately choke on my food. She did not just say that. Nick and I don't even kiss.

"...Yes mom." Nick responded smiling happily.

"Not if we beat you first." Joked Jaehyun which left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"We'll see." Nick says before kissing my cheek. "Let's beat them okay my darling?"

I force myself to smile. "Whatever you say my love."

Jaehyun's expression is unreadable as he looks at us. I don't know what he is thinking or if he plans on spilling the beans about my lies. His poker face is amazing.


"Thank you." I take a sip of the hot Camille tea that Miss Sakura made me. I wanted to have some company so I went to the kitchen to see her. I also wanted to avoid Nick for as long as I could.

It's best to find him asleep when I go inside our bedroom since things are so awkward right now between the both of us.

"Mrs. Sammy. I hope you don't think I'm interfering with your personal matters but I've noticed you and young master have grown apart recently."

"I...um...You're right."

Miss Sakura seems to be the only one who can see through our pretense and can really understand my feelings.

"Young master tends to be cold at times, especially when he gets emotional. When he lost his sister we never saw him cry...he only worked."

"So is being cold a distraction of some sort?"

"He doesn't want to be vulnerable..."

Nick has gone through some difficult things for sure. I can't imagine losing any of my siblings. I adore them both, even when we argue.

"Miss Sammy. I think you need to talk to young master and tell him your honest feelings."

I thought for awhile before getting up. "I think you're right. I should just tell him my honest thoughts..."

"Good luck Miss."

"Thank you miss Sakura."

I can't believe all this time I acted so immature and upset with Nick instead of telling him straightforwardly what was bothering me.

Nick listens to me, he'll definitely understand everything. I'll also tell him about Jaehyun. I hope we will find a solution to that situation.

I know Nick won't judge me for what I did. He of all people would understand my situation.

Taking a deep breath I opened our bedroom door, someone gasps seeing me. One of the female helpers quickly picks up her clothes to cover her body.

Nick gets up quickly putting on his shirt. "Oh my God Sammy-"

"Forget it Nick! Please continue!"

I run out of the room unsure of where to even go. Tears began falling down my cheeks giving me a blurry vision.

"Sammy please wait!" Nick calls out but I continue running till I was outside. I ran to the garden which was the only place I could think of.

My heart felt like it was stabbed and shot thousands of times. Nick really just did that with the help in our bed!


I wipe away my tears quickly upon hearing my name. I'm suddenly grabbed my the wrist harshly.

"Are you Sammy or layla?!"

Jaehyun yelled sqeezing my wrist. The look of hatred in his eyes filled me with fear. I had never seen him look at me or anyone like that before.

"...I...I don't understand." I cried trying to get away from him. He scoffs holding both my arms now.

"Don't lie. I know you know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"...I have no idea who the hell you are!" I lied straight to his face realizing I had no other choice now.


"I'm not Layla!"

"If you want to continue denying the truth fine! But you don't fool me!" He says letting go of me.

Jaehyun glares at me before walking back to the house leaving me shaking. I drop to the ground sobbing.

Why? Why? Why is all of this happening right now? Do I really

Deserve this?