"Your eyes are so puffy." Meisa puts a bag of ice against my left eye gently. I thank her before taking the ice and doing it myself.

"So how long will you be in Tokyo for?" Meisa asked me. I have decided to go meet my friends in Tokyo instead of us hanging out here.

"A week. I'll come back after my friends head back to the states." I

Really had to see friendly faces, I was feeling so drained after last night and a trip was in order.

"You'll have so much fun. I'll book the best places for you guys okay? Let me handle that for you." Meisa kindly offered to plan everything for us and honestly I feel so grateful.

"Thank you mom." I give her a hug. She holds me tightly making me instantly miss my own mother back home.

"Well, I have to get going. I'm meeting some old friends." Meisa let's go of me. "I'll be back later. Go rest up."

"I will." I fake a smile for what felt like the billionth time this week.

"Okay love. I'm leaving then." She waves goodbye to Miss Sakura and I.

"Should I prepare the guest room once again?" She asked once she was sure we were alone in the kitchen.

I nod before walking out of the kitchen. I left the ice bag there too knowing my eyes were better by now.


I stop when Jaehyun calls out to me. He looked like he just came from a jog.

"How can I help you?"

"Nick said you weren't feeling well and that's why you didn't join us for breakfast." Nick really lies like a professional.

"Yes. I had a headache."

"Oh...I thought you got sick because of what happened last night." Jaehyun says this in Korean which I could understand.

"I don't understand why you'd think that."

"I thought you'd be afraid I'd tell Nick about our past."

"We don't have any past. I thought I told you last night already." Nick may be a great liar but I'm getting good at this.

"Layla...tell me why you lied about who you really are...you pretended to be poor and that you had no family...Why?" He asked unable to mask the pain evident in his voice.

"..." I cross my arms giving him nothing. I look at him confused but remain silent.

"Layla....no I mean Sammy, I almost died...why did you leave then?"

The lump in my throat burned as I held back tears. Jaehyun has every right to feel angry and hurt because of what I did. He had every right to yell at me.

"If you're done, I'll go."

Before I could take a single step I'm grabbed and pushed against the wall. I knew anyone could come in the living room at any second so this situation was really awful.

"Jaehyun stop!" I try to push him away but I couldn't. His arms were ripped now indicating he had really worked out in the past two years.

His sweaty body was pressed against mine leaving absolutely no room for air. I could smell his scent. The same scent I loved from two years ago when he used to hold me in his arms.

I shove him slightly but instantly got pulled back. His hair was wet from sweat making him look absolutely hot. Jaehyun was a gorgeous man, I often wondered how I managed to date him.

"Layla stop." He warns looking me in the eyes. I freeze up unsure of what to do or say.


"I know you...I will always remember your scent." He whispered snuggling into my neck. I shivered as he left tiny kisses on my neck like he did before.

"Let go...I beg you."

He stops his actions pulling away from me. I could tell he was having an internal battle with his mind and emotions.

"...Don't do that again...we are both married people!"

I told him off wanting him to remember Kazuha and Nick. Even though Nick and I aren't real and have no future together Jaehyun and kazuha must stay together. I can tell she loves him a lot just by how she spoke of him and how her eyes glowed whenever I asked about him.

"Layla. Just answer my question."

I don't say anything but he still asked. "Are you my Layla?"

Telling him the truth would mean I admit to lying to him so many times. I even lied to him as soon as we saw each other again.

Jaehyun should forget about Layla. She was never real. I never thought I'd fall in love with him. It was not meant to happen.

"I don't know who you're talking about." I don't look at him as I run upstairs. I made a decision to leave him, he is now married. Things are how they should be.

If Jaehyun tells everyone the truth I would be doomed. Everything I did to have a normal life will be destroyed.


Two years ago


I got on the plane unsure for how long I was supposed to stay away from home for. Dad had told me Mr. Sakurada made provisions for me in Korea so I'd be safe.

No one would know who I really am and I'd be able to work while I am there. Looking at the passport I cringe at the picture of me with glasses.

Layla Prescott, read the passport. How Mr. Sakurada got this for me I still had no Idea all I knew is that I had to go away for awhile.

I didn't even tell my friends I was leaving. I knew when I took the blame for what happened My life would never be the same but I never thought things would have to get like this.

Mom couldn't look me in the eyes after what happened. She probably saw a monster instead of her daughter.

Crying I covered my face with my hands as more tears fell. I couldn't believe what my life had become. I was a normal college student just a few months ago now I'm here...


I slowly open my eyes finding a handsome guy sat beside me. He held out tissues to me with a empathetic smile on his face.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Just don't cry anymore..." He smiles at me genuinely confusing me. Why was he being nice to a total stranger?

"If we happen to meet in Korea you'll buy me something delicious as a thank you for what I did."

My mouth hangs open as I stare at the mad man. How could he ask me to buy HIM food?


"My name is Lee Jaehyun. Arts student." He extends his hand to me. I didn't shake his hand so he takes my hand shaking it.

"How about we watch a movie together? One day I'll be in movies myself you know."

Jaehyun doesn't stop talking to me the entire flight. We watched about four movies together and spoke about general stuff. Thanks to him I had forgotten for awhile what sadness I was feeling.

But I knew once I was alone the reality of the matter was there. I was still a monster.