Two years ago


For about a week since I got to Korea I had no contact with my family whatsoever. I was kept in the dark about how Shawn was doing too.

I knew that he was sent to get Help at a rehab and that he was clean for awhile now. Mom refused to talk to me on the phone and Terra hated me. They all blamed me for the accident.

"Yes. I...understand."

Dad hangs up after telling me tons of lies. Mom was apparently asleep and Terra was away. They both couldn't talk to me for various reasons and excuses.

Sitting on my bed I covered my face with my covers feeling more tears coming.

"NO! Not again!"

I got up forcing myself to go wash my face and go outside for a walk. I had to be at the school where I'd teach in a few days so I had to get used to walking around alone.

I enjoyed looking at the cherry blossoms taking in their scent and the new scenery. I was glad the apartment Lived in was close to a beautiful park so I could come enjoy the beauty of the trees anytime I wanted.


Someone behind me calls out. I forgot that was my fake name so I continue walking.


Realizing I was being called I turn around. Jaehyun comes running with a huge dog.

"Hey." He waves at me like a kid.

I smile at him. "You..."

"You remember me right? I'm Jaehyun."

"Of course I remember you. How could I forget?"

He smiles. "That's a relief." He looks at his dog. "Oh and this is Byul."

I kneel down patting his large German Shepard. "Hey byul."

She was a friendly dog not surprising since her owner is like a golden retriever.

"You owe me!"



I look at him caught off-guard. He was actually serious about me buying him food?

"Come on." He pulls me by the hand.


Present day

I walk into the guest room a little shaken by my encounter with Jaehyun from a few days ago. He wasn't how he used to be. The golden retriever was replaced by a fierce lion now.

I knew I was to blame for everything. He was a kind man who got pulled into my messed up lies. Jaehyun was completely different and I felt so guilty every time our eyes locked.


I stop dead in my tracks when I find Nick in the room. Nick looked down. I didn't speak to him for a week now and honestly I still felt hurt.

"Get out!" I coldly said opening the door for him to leave. Nick gets up shutting the door.

"Today is Hoshi's birthday. He invited us...please come with me."

"Fine. Get out!"

Nick doesn't argue any further before walking away. He didn't even try to apologize.

I scoff feeling stupid. Why would he apologize? He did nothing wrong! I sigh heavily before getting ready.

It took less than an hour to get ready and into Nick's car. I decided to dress casual since Nick also dressed casually.

We were in an awkward silence for almost an hour even when we went to buy Hoshi some gifts. I was okay with it because I knew I'd act irrationally if he spoke to me.

Knowing this relationship was fake and that he didn't owe me anything made me so angry with myself. I knew acting this way was unfair to him but I couldn't help myself.


My heart sinks once he calls out my name softly. I really didn't want to talk to him right now but still responded.


He is silent for what felt like eternity I even began feeling sick to my stomach.

"Come back to our bedroom please...I miss you."

Nick keeps his eyes on the road. My breath hitches as his words sink in.

I don't respond because I really didn't know what to think. Nick also luckily doesn't press on the matter giving me time to think.

Nick parks in a fancy apartment complex parking lot. We sit in silence even after he turns off the engine.

I didn't want to argue or have an awkward conversation right now so I open the car door.

"Let's go inside."

Nick sighs getting the gifts for Hoshi before joining me outside the car.

Nick leads me to Hoshi's lavish apartment that was filled with about fifteen people.

"Hey lovebirds." Hoshi runs to give us hugs. I smile relieved to see a friendly face.

Nick tried to hold my hand but I quickly move away. "Happy birthday Hoshi!" I hand him his gifts.

"I hear your birthday is this coming week too." Hoshi accepts the presents leading us to get drinks.

"Yes. I'll be going to Tokyo with a few friends from New York." I couldn't wait to see my friends.

"Well I will get you something nice also thank you guys for this lovely presents."

"You're welcome. Sammy actually picked them out herself."


I smile happily since Nick was honest for once. I did pick out those gifts.


I fought the urge to roll my eyes seeing Sana Akanishi in a floral summer dress rushing to us with a glass of wine.

She hugs Nick tightly. "I'm so glad you're here!" Sana grins at me after that little performance.

"Sana behave. His wife is here." Hoshi teases unaware that I was the real outsider.

"I'm sorry Sam. Please don't get mad with me." She smiled sweetly at me.

I smile back. "Do as you please." I turn to Hoshi. "Show me around your gorgeous home please."

He linked our arms before turning to Nick. "You can entertain Sana. I'll take care of your lovely wife."

"Okay." Nick shoves his hands in his pockets not taking his eyes off me. I quickly turn to Hoshi.

"Let's go!"

"Okay my dear."

Hoshi leads me upstairs as I gulp down my first glass of wine. I couldn't help but look down to my husband and his so called friend. Nick was whispering something in her ear that made her giggle.

"Nick really surprised me when he told me about you." Hoshi began getting my attention back.


"I had never seen him speak so fondly about anyone before. He said he really liked you."

The master liar strikes again. Nick really can fool people so easily without trying hard.

"I can tell he's conflicted." Hoshi continued even when I didn't respond. "Nick was a huge player I think he's conflicted about everything."

"He still is a player." I bitterly said not caring about what Hoshi would think.

"I won't make excuses for him...but I can tell he loves you."

I know that's impossible. Nick doesn't feel anything for me. Nick proves this time and time again.