Six years ago,///

The beach house was filled with nothing but the sound of the waves outside as I tiptoed my way in after a night of heavy drinking and partying. It was my first break back home after leaving for business school in Seattle with Naomi. At first it was overwhelming being so far from home and I constantly felt homesick. It didn't help that my younger sister often called sobbing because she missed me. If it weren't for Naomi constantly forcing me to head out with her, I would have probably remained a homesick, shy girl afraid of strangers or big crowds.

After spending months away from home coming back was such a treat to me especially since we'd leave for our vacation home down in California. My mother had bought the house after realizing we needed a change of scenery. Dad was reluctant to buy the beach house at first but soon became obsessed with spending time there every chance he got.

The house was gorgeous with huge glass windows letting in natural lighting and a infinity swimming pool in the backyard.

"You're home late."

I jump at the sound of someone's voice in the darkness. I was hoping everyone would be home by now.

"Uh. Yea." I laugh. "The party went longer than planned."

"Well at least tell me you had fun."

"Yeah. It was really fun."

He smiles moving closer causing the moonlight to illuminate his features. Michael Sakurada was in his early forties yet had a youthful appearance; his face was decorated with a nicely trimmed beard. He was tall and well built, it was clear he took great care of himself.

I only saw him whenever he was with my dad or during events hosted by mom. He usually smiled kindly at me and my siblings other than that we didn't have much of a relationship with him.

"I know you're probably exhausted as it is but do want to have a drink with me?" He picks up an empty wine glass. "Your father invited me for the break but won't spare me a second of his time, this is what I get for joining a married couple of their vacation."

Mr. Michael usually spent most holidays with us, but this was the first-time dad invited him to our beach house. We knew he was unmarried so we never questioned why he would be around our family a lot. Dad often praised Michael for being the only one who believed in him when he started the family business years ago.

"Yes sure, I'll have one glass and then go to bed." I didn't see why I couldn't enjoy a glass of wine with a close family friend, so I agreed and sat down.

He smiles looking pleased I agreed. Soon I was handed a glass of white wine. I was not a fan of wine but still drank it. Michael surprisingly sits right beside me. We had never been this close before, so I felt slightly uncomfortable. The short skirt I wore had a revealing neckline added to the uncomfortable feeling I had. I loved wearing figure hugging clothes. I was very proud of how my body looked so I would never shy away from clothes that were revealing. The problem here was I was with my dads best friend in the dark drinking wearing skimpy clothes.

"How is school? Are you enjoying college life?"

"Yes. I just miss home sometimes, everything else is great."

"I remember how I hated going to college because I had to come all the way to the U.S, it was really tough adjusting to a new country, with different customs and the dating culture here is so different from Japan."

"we don't have a dating culture we only hook up and move on to the next fling."

He laughed nodding. "Yeah, that's true."

Michael continues telling me more about his life in Japan and how much he misses home, I didn't dare ask about his family because the sad look on his face when he spoke about his home was clear indication things weren't okay. Plus, he never spends holidays with them.

Other than the talk about Japan I got to know more about him as a person, I actually found him very interesting. He was passionate about his job and enjoyed a night out with close friends the most.

"I'm sorry to ask this but you have not mentioned your girlfriend this entire time." I giggle taking a sip of my wine. One glass had turned into four glasses. Though I didn't mind this I knew getting this drunk would lead into a massive hangover.

He sighs heavily before laughing. "I just do not have one. That's why I don't mention her."

"No way! You can't possibly be single."

He frowns. "My wife died years back, so I haven't thought about dating."

I don't remember him being married but I guess I was too young. She must've died a long time ago I mean I still remember his daughter because we went to Japan a few years ago.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it was so long ago I am okay about it all now."

"Still…sorry." I placed my hand on his cold hand. "I may have never been in love but just imagining losing someone you love seems so painful."

He looks up at me and whispers, "You are such a sweet person. I wish I could protect you from this cruel world."

I was at a loss for words. Guys my I knew never spoke to me this way. You could tell they all had one thing one their minds: sex!

"Go to bed now, its late."

I nod slowly but didn't move from where I was. He raises his hand resting it on my cheek. His hand gently rubs my cheek as he makes his way to my lips. His thumb traces my lips causing my breath to hitch. I had never been in such an intense situation before as I usually rejected guys advances.

"You should really go to bed." He says as I lean closer into his touch. Michael places his free hand on my thigh rubbing it slowly.

"We can't continue…this is wrong."

Ignoring his words, I snuggle into his neck leaving lustful kisses along his collar bone. He moans softly pulling me to sit on his lap. Michael kissed my neck too taking in my scent. I tug on his hair feeling my desire grow.

Michael finally smashes his lips on mine starting a heated make out session. I didn't know if it was because I was drunk but it felt like his lips were all I needed to live. As the tension got heavier between us, he pulled away with a guilty look on his face.

"Fuck!" he looks distraught almost like he just made the biggest mistake of his life. I felt hurt even though I knew our actions were wrong from the start. I grab my heels from the floor.


I run upstairs ignoring him calling out to me. I shouldn't have done this from the get-go, so I had no right to be upset over his reaction. I just wondered how I'd face him and my parents knowing what we did.