Trigger warning

Six years ago

The next few days were awkward to say the least. Luckily for me I barely saw Michael as he attended wine tastings and had tons of other activities keeping him busy and away from home. I tried my best to forget what happened between Michael and I but somehow I could not. The kiss kept replaying in my mind and nothing I did seemed to make it stop.

"It's so freaking hot today." Terra turns to me looking irritated. She wore shorts and a crop top because our parents thought she was too young to wear a bikini.

"I know. Take a dip in the pool."

"Nah. It's fine, I'll just drink juice to cool down."

Terra and I would spend our days at the pool together while our brother was off doing god knows what. Shawn could not be tamed and often did as he pleased. Our parents often bud heads with him over him constantly getting into trouble with the law.

"Oh by the way, I wanted to ask you something."

I sat up curious to hear what she wanted to ask me. "Yeah what's up?"

She fidgets with her fingers nervously. "Uh. What do you think about Mr Michael?"

"He's Dad's friend." I answer trying to sound uninterested.

"Yeah…but don't you think he's kind of cool?"

I laugh wondering what made her think that way. Terra was a kid that never talks to adults but here she is saying Michael is cool.

"Why do you think he's so cool?"

"…I don't know, I saw you too drinking wine together once."

My heart drops. Terra could have seen what happened between us that night.


"Are you guys friends?" she innocently asked.

"Not really. I was just being nice…he seemed sort of lonely."

"I never noticed."

Terra bites her cheek deep in thought. I pat her on the head. "Terra what are you thinking about so deeply?"

She shakes her head no. "Nothing. I just remembered I have to meet Charlie."

"But you hate Charlie."

"Don't say that. She's our neighbour. I just can't stand her sometimes."

More like Terra pretends to be ill every time the annoying ginger from next door tries to come hang out with her. Charlie is an irritating kid obsessed with saving the world from global warming.

"Okay. Go on."

"I'll see you later then."


I watch as she disappears into the house. The silence that followed soon after was peaceful. I was never the type of person that needed to be around people to feel okay or reassured. Being alone felt much more comfortable for me and it always helped me think more.

"Why are you out here all alone?"

I jump at the sound of Michael's voice from behind me. He chuckles seeing my shocked expression.

"I'm sorry I did not mean to scare you."

He takes a seat beside me with shades on. I thought he went to watch a race with my dad so I did not expect his presence at all.

"It's okay." I grab my towel to cover my exposed body. I had been in a yellow bikini that left little to the imagination.

"You're getting all sun burned. Did you even use sun screen at all?"

"…I did."

He points at my back. "You must've missed a spot then."

I awkwardly nod hoping he'd go away quickly. The kiss has left me feeling indecisive. I am not sure if it were a drunken mistake or if I genuinely wanted to kiss him in the moment.

"I'm sorry."

His words left me speechless. I was hoping he'd not bring up that night. It also seemed like he forgot for awhile.

Days after the incident he smiled at me and spoke as though nothing had happened at all. I was slowly starting to believe it had been a dream.

"I was the one who asked you to drink with me, I shouldn't have put you in such a situation to begin with."

I avoided talking because I had no idea what I thought about the whole incident.

"And the way I pushed you away afterwards was just so wrong…I was just lost. I had no idea how to act so I panicked. "

I smile hearing his sincerity. He must have been overthinking the situation like me.

"I just don't want to make this between us…awkward or weird."

"You're overthinking right now."

He takes off his shades allowing me to get a better look at his face.

"I don't know what happened that night but I know that you are not the only one at fault. I kissed you back after all."

The relief in his eyes tells me he was probably taking all the blame as though he was the only one who acted freely that night.

"So do you regret it?" I ask intrigued to hear what his response will be.

He smiles. "I can't say I don't feel guilty for kissing my best friends daughter."

I wait for him to continue. "I'm ashamed to admit this but a huge part of me doesn't regret that I know how your lips taste."

I smile at his response, but I was not sure whether his response was meant to indicate that he wants to do it again or if I want him.

"How do you feel?"

"I have no idea." I tell him honestly. "It was great but I have no idea how I feel about it."

He takes in what I said before placing his hand on mine. "Maybe I could help you make a decision." The suggestive grin told me exactly what he really meant by that.

"I don't know about that." I remove my hand before grabbing my stuff. "I think we should leave things as they are."

I get up to leave. "Let's just continue the way we were before." Although I thoroughly enjoyed our kiss I'm still not some dumb teenager who doesn't understand anything. My dad would surely not want me to be with his friend because it's really inappropriate and I am not ready to get involved with a grown man.

Michael had an unreadable expression on his face the entire time I spoke. I took his silence as acceptance of my decision so I just decided to leave him there.

But that was my mistake. Thinking he would be okay with my decision.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

I freeze up in shock when I heard him say that. He walks up to me grabbing me my the shoulders.

"You seduced me! Now you want me to forget it?!"

I was so shocked I was unable to formulate words. Michael suddenly smashes his lips on mine forcing his tongue in my mouth. I had no strength to push him away because I was so afraid he'd do something worse.

He pulls away gripping my chin tightly forcing me to look into his eyes.

The once kind man disappeared really quickly and what replaced him was a cold blooded monster.

I had never seen the look of absolute madness before but here I was staring in the eyes of a total psycho.

"You're mine." He smiles. "I want to take care of you. Lets start over again okay?"

I nod slowly fearful of what might happen if I disagreed.

He hugs me tightly. "This will be our little secret…okay Samantha?"