
Present day

"Good afternoon." I greated my friends as I entered the spacious kitchen.

"Hey birthday girl." Evan sets a plate of pancakes and bacon infront of me.

"Afternoon." I say whilst I take a look at the nicely set plate. "Thank you Evan."

"Yea no worries. I know I have kids to feed so I had to make breakfast." "Also it's my babies birthday so I woke up in a great mood."

"Wish I could say the same."

Naomi who had shades on rests her head on the table. She looked like a zombie from the walking dead which coincidently was her favourite show.

"Naomi is having a tuff time. I am not suprised she drank like the alchol was water or something." Teased Evan handing her strong black coffee.

Once he is done with her, it is my turn to get his attention.

"Your eyes are puffy...did you cry over your husband all night?" Evan asked taking closer look at me.

I turn away from him. "No. I was just sleeping too much." "I think I slept face down."

My friends laugh at the ridiculous explanation but I just won't admit the truth.

The truth being I cried in my dream about Jaehyun. I felt like it was real. The emotions were so raw and I felt like everything was happening again.

"Sam do you think we can just stay in and have cake instead of going out to get wasted again?"

"Yeah. Let's just stay in please. Last night almost killed me." Naomi drinks the bitter coffee making a funny face.

"I have no problem with staying in. Let's watch a romantic comedy and eat cake."

I had no problem with staying in, last night was enough for me.

"By the way have you guys seen my phone?"

"Its on the charger, last night you kept begging me to charge it so you can talk to Nick."

"Oh." I shove the pancake in my mouth giving more attention to the food infront of me so the conversation can end.

Evan leaves the kitchen for a second and returns with my phone. "Here you go."

"Thank you babes." I turn it on excited to see the happy birthday messages from my friends and family.

"Did your husband wish you happy birthday yet?" Naomi asks.

"Yes. We spoke at the club...I actually called him."

"Wow. You don't waste time when it comes to him." Teased Evan.

My messages started coming in one after another. Mesia, Miss Sakura and Hoshi wished me a happy birthday too. My parents, Shawn and Camila as well. Unsurprisingly Terra did not message me at all.

"Did your man send a message?" Evan leans in to see my messages.


"Well...since he already spoke to you...it's Fine right?" Naomi cautiously says.

I smile. "It's fine lets just eat and rest up then later we can eat junk food and watch movies."

"Sounds like an excellent plan birthday girl." Evan said excitedly.

"I'll start with the resting part. Bye!" Naomi heads straight for her room walking like a zombie.

"Alcohol will be the death of her." Evan says like a worried grandma.

"She is a big girl...she can handle it."


"Why on earth did you say this was a romanic movie?!" An angry Evan asked Naomi throwing her with his huge blue pillow with an unhealthy amount of feathers on.

"What! A walk to remember is a freaking romance!"

"No Bitch! It gives you trauma and a fear of falling in love with someone who could die at any second." Cried Evan dramatically.

He had cried during most of the movie while Naomi laughed at him for entertainment. I was zoned out during the entire entire movie because I couldn't help but think of Jaehyun.

He was also sick like the girl in the movie and on the verge of death but always remained positive for everyone. He smiled and remained in great spirits, even joking around. I wonder if he kept being that way even after I left.


I'm suprised to find that Naomi had been trying to get my attention for a few seconds now.


"Don't you think that the movie I picked was a romantic movie?"

"It was...a very bittersweet romantic movie."

"I dont think so but whatever!" Evan grabs the remote. "I will pick the next movie because cleary you two have no idea what a romanric movie is."

I can't help but laugh at how seriously he was taking everything. Evan tended to be very intense over things that most people wouldn't take to heart.

"I'll go get some more soda." I excuse myself to head to the kitchen but when I hear the doorbell ring Evan tells me to open the door.

"Guys this is your house why should I open your door?" I complain as I head to the door.

"Shut up and open it!"

Naomi also backs him up telling to open the door before she punches me in the throat. In fear of being attacked I open up.

My mouth hung wide open when I saw who it was.

"Nick!" I screamed running into his arms. He laughs hugging me back and whispering happy birthday in my ear.

I was so happy I thought I'd pass out. He was the last person I expected to see today.

"What on earth are you doing here?"

"You said you wanted me right?"

Nick hands me flowers, white orchids to be exact. "So I came here."

"You came because of what I said when I was drunk?!" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes and because I missed you so much."

I smile at his words. "Well...come in...How did you know I was here though?"

"I called Shawn. He was more than happy to give me your friends members so we can set this up."

"Oh my goodness Nick." I hug his arm. "I'm so happy you're here."

Naomi and Evan shout surprise as we enter the living room area.

I run to hug them both.

"You two knew and didn't say anything!"

"Well...He only called us when he was boarding the plane!"

"In our defence this was last minute." Evan said.

"I am very happy you guys helped me suprise Sammy. Thank you." Nick said to my friends.

"Don't mention it. I mean you jumped on a plane last minute to come see our crazy girl so thank you."

I turn to Nick realizing he was wearing the same clothes he did when we video called.

"Nick. Did you come straight to me?"

He nods. "I had no choice I love you."

"That's enough love birds. Sam take him to get freshened up while we prepare something proper for him to eat." Naomi said.

"Okay. Nick lets go."

I take his hand and lead him to the guest room. I was proud of myself for making the bed when I woke up after my nap.

Nick looks around the modest room that I absolutely loved. He sets his eyes on me and pulls me into a deep kiss.

My heart was beating very fast, almost at an unhuman pace. I felt like I would faint.

We pull away running out of breath. We rested our foreheads against each others.

"I think I'm in love with you Sammy. How else do you explain me doing something so impulsive?"

"I love you Nick. I really do."

We embrace each other before sharing another passionate kiss.

I absolutely melted in his arms, the connection I felt with him was electrifying. I had never felt anything like this before.

"Let's go take a shower." He suggested with a naughty grin.

"Aren't you exhausted from your flight?" I ask worried.

He kisses me. "No. Seeing you gives me so much energy."

"Well then...who am I to deny you?" I tease.

Nick picks me up bridal style. "Where's the bathroom my baby?"

I point to the bathroom giggling as he kisses me.