Nick slept peacefully beside me as I had my hand in his hair gently stroking it , he was holding my waist and snuggling into my neck. After our shower that was one hour long we had dinner with my friends and enjoyed an intense game of monopoly.

Evan almost suffered a mental breakdown after losing everything he owned and getting in tons of debt. Naomi was the overall winer as she was ruthless and knew how to play well.

I was presently suprised to see my friends and Nick getting along so well. Evan even whispered to me that Nick was perfect for me.

He and Naomi shared common interest so the two talked the entire night. I had to drag my exhausted husband to bed because he wanted to hang out with my friends instead.

"Why aren't you asleep Sammy?"

I stop playing with his hair suprised he was awake. "You're awake?"

"Don't stop please." He places my hand on his head again. "I like it."

Smiling to myself I continued playing with his soft hair. "You're such a baby Nick."

"I only act like this with you."

"I don't believe that..."

"Why? Do you think I act like this with Sana?"

I freeze taken aback that he brought her up himself.

"What happened that night you called?"

"I slept with her."

I move away from hin turning on my nightlight. I had to see his face. There was no way he was serious right now.

"Nick what did you just say?"

"I am telling you the truth..."

I was trying my best these past few days to make myself believe that he didn't do anything with her and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

"Sammy. I was drunk that night. I felt so lonely too and I wasn't sure if you'd want to come back to me."

"I trusted you Nick!" I screamed in disbelief. I couldn't believe how wrong I was about him. I thought he loved me but I was such a fool.

"Nick you used to leave me all the time to go be with her didn't you?"

"Samantha all that doesn't matter now. Our relationship was not real was it?!"

He has a point. We were not a real couple. Our relationship was a lie at first.

"Well is it real now?!" I ask wanting to hear him confirm what we are to each other.

"Isn't it obvious now Sammy? I love you and you love me...this is real now." He takes my hand into his. "We should be hoenet with each other now...that's why I told you the truth..."

"I understand what you mean but that still hurts."

"I know...I'm sorry Sammy." He hugs me. "I just want us to start over...with no secrets between us...can you do that Sammy?"

I knew this was my chance to tell him about Michael, Jaehyun and the accident and set the both of us on the right path to fix our relationship but I couldn't.

The fear I had was so deep I started shaking due to my anxiety. If Nick found out everything our relationship would possibly end instantly.

He would surely leave me without thinking twice. I just couldn't tell him anything.

Nick looks at me worried. "Sammy?" "Sammy are you okay baby?"

I look up at him. His worry is obvious as he eagerly waits to hear me say something.

"...I...I...am afraid." I whisper.

He moves closer. "Why? What's wrong my love?"

"...Nick...I...I...I need to get some rest." I move away but he grabs my wrist.

"Sammy...our relationship shouldn't have secrets."

"I know."

"Then, why can't you tell me the truth?"

"What do you mean Nick? What truth do you want from me?"

Nick frowns looking abit faustrated.

"Nevermind. Let's drop this conversation."

He gets back into the covers facing the other side. Nick was obviously upset with me now. I don't even blame him because I'm hidding big things from him and he knows this too.

If only he knew the only reason I'm afraid to tell him the truth is because I don't want to lose him, not now or ever.

"Nick." I call out to him. If he didn't want to respond to me I'd understand completely too.

I get back in the bed hugging him from the back. Nick doesn't move or say anything.

"Nick I'm in love with you. I love you so much that I'm scared." I whisper loud enough for him tp hear. "I understand why you're upset but please give me time...then I'll tell you everything I swear."

He slowly removes my arms around him before turning to face me and hug me.

A gentle smile is on his face as he stated at me. "I love you too." He kisses the top of my nose. "As for the other stuff...I can wait till you're ready."


"Yes really."

Pulling him closer I hugged him tightly. "Thank you Kento!"

He pulls away suprised. "You finally called me Kento."

"Do you like that?" I tease wiggling my eyebrows.

He kisses me. "I really like it." Another kiss. "NO! I love it!"

Nick washes my body with kisses giving me love bites on my collar bone and he even leaves me with swollen lips from kissing too much! [Not that I'm complaining]


The next few days Nick and I do normal couple stuff like going on actual dates and spending time together just talking about literally nothing but still enjoying every single minute of it. Nick was the one who wanted us to go on dates because our relationship sort of started backwards. Instead of getting to know each other and dating? We got married. Nick wanted us to get to know each other more and insisted on pretending like we were strangers who just met and are presuing a serious relationship with each other.

My friends loved Nick and often wanted to spens time with him at the apartment. I loved that Nick was able to blend in so well with the people I cared about.

Tonight we were having a game night and I decided to invite Shawn and Camila to join us. Evan invited his boyfriend Lee to join leaving our poor Naomi the only one without a partner.

She was annoyed and complained the first half of the night but when Nick offered to invite a friend of his, who was single, successful and a hot chef my friend Naomi lit up like a light bulb.

"Where is my chef?" She asked for the fifth time that night as Anton, Nick's friend was running abit late.

Nick laughs. "He said he's almost here don't worry."

"Damn. I'm sick of seeing annoying couples while am all alone!" She pouts.

Lee hands her a margarita he made for her. "Drink this, it helps with loneliness."

"Bitch!" Naomi takes the drink with a grin showing she was just joking and not upset with lee.

"I love you too." Lee teased sitting beside his lover. "Dear Samantha I have a question!" Lee turns his attention to me.

I make myself more comfortable on Nick's lap. "Yes my dear Lee?"

"Tell me."


"Why was I not invited to the wedding?"

I choke on my saliva instantly coughing/fighting for dear life.

Nick quickly hands me his drink.

"Drink baby."

I take his glass. "T-thank you!" I gulp down his mocktail.

"Damn you shouldn't have asked like that!" Evan scoulds his lover.

Lee looks over at me worried.

"Samantha I am sorry. "

"It's okay...I'm okay. "

Nick pats my back gently. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I was just not expecting that question. "

"I was also not invited so its not only you!" Camila jokes helping the mood to get back to normal.