Four years ago//////

I entered my room after being away for school for a year thanks to carefully planned excuses. My family prepared me a lovely dinner that had no guests as per my request.

My family thought it was because I missed them and that I was doing it to spend time with them as a family. It was true, I missed them and wanted to spend time as a family but mostly I didn't want any guest, Michael to be specific.

I had tried my best to avoid him after the pool incident but He somehow showed up everywhere I went. Even when I was in Seattle for school!

It got so bad I felt like he was following me everywhere. I got gifts and notes everyday from him, he'd never sign the cards but I knew it was from him.

He called me everyday, he'd threaten me if I didn't answer the phone so I changed my number sixteen times but somehow he always got my number.

A knock on my door scares me so much I drop my phone. I had been avoiding coming home because I know the chances of running into him were huge.

I couldn't tell my parents because I kissed Michael back, I was at fault for everything.

I open the door slowly holding my breath. Terra pops her head through in my room looking confused. "What's wrong with you?" She walks in.


"You've been acting strange."

"What do you want?"

I cross my arms over my chest. "Get out if you don't want anything."

"I wanted to know if there's any parties. You know I can come with now!" She excitedly says. Terra had turned eighteen a few days ago and even got a new car.

"I don't go to parties anymore." I truthfully told her. I hated them now because I feared Michael would somehow be there. I even changed the way I dressed and covered up more.

Terra frowns. "Just say you don't want to hang out with me."

"No, Terra we can hang out here at home, I really don't want to go out anymore."

"Why not?!"

"Look! If you dont want get out of my room!" I yell annoyed and scared she might find out the truth.

She looks at me hurt. "I miss my sister! Bring her back!"

Terra runs out of my room sobbing. I shut my door locking it. I knew she must feel like I don't like her but that's far from the truth. I love her so much, I just can't get over my fear.

Getting into my bed I doze off from the exhaustion. After a few mintutes I wake up because of my phone ringing.

"Yes?" I answer without checking the caller ID. I'm suddenly fully awake when I hear my sixteen year old brothers sobs.

"Sam please come help me!" He sobbed. He said something else but I couldn't hear over his cries.

Getting out of bed I quickly grab my car keys. "Where the hell are you?!"

"Please don't tell mom and dad Please!" He begged with a shakey voice between sobs.

"Send me your location!"


I run out to thw driveway fearing the worst. Maybe he got into a bad fight or he crashed his car.

"Shawn, tell me what's wrong?" I ask but that only causes him to sob more.

"I think she's dead!" He cried. My heart drops as I sped to the location he sent me. It was dark but I still managed to find my brother who sat at the side of the road.

Parking my car in the middle of the empty road I ran over to him. Shawn was reeking of alcohol and it was obvious he was abit drunk.

Getting closer to him I saw the blood on his shirt. "Shawn are you hurt?!" I ask running to check on his injuries.

He shakes his head pointing at the ditch. I get up having a sick feeling in my gut. I looked over the edge and saw a car flipped over.

"Shawn!" I call out to him so he could tell me where the driver of that car was.

"Shawn where is the driver!" I yell because he was just crying. He points over at his car not far from where we were and that's when I spot the body covered by his jacket.

"I...I tried to save her by pulling her out of the ditch...there was so much blood." He says looking at his blood stained hands.

I run over to see if the person could be saved or not. Shaking I pull off the jacket. The girl was covered in cuts and bruises, her head was bleeding and her eyes were wide open.

I screamed taking a step back from the asian girl. She looked young, maybe Terra's age or abit older. She was clearly beautiful even with all the wounds on her body. When I saw her twisted leg I knew that this poor girl was dead.

"What the fuck happened?!" I screamed.

"...I was...I was on my way home and I felt sleepy, I didn't see the car." He sobs trying to explain.

He gets up shaking. "I'm going to jail right?!" "I'm going to get locked up...I killed her!" He drops to his knees. "I killed her!"

I knew Shawn was doing all sorts of things he shouldn't be doing and I knew that the reason was because of what happened to him as a kid. He was kidnapped and held for ransom. Dad was able to get him back safely but Shawn refused to tell us what they did to him.

He was covered in blood and wouldn't let anyone touch him. I suspected they took advantage of him despite him only being ten years old at the time. After that Shawn began acting out, drinking and using drugs.

Shawn was a mess and we should have gotten him help but we failed him.

"Shawn...look at me and stop crying." I grip his chin forcing him to look at me.

He couldn't stop his sobs as we locked eyes. "Listen to me Shawn, today will be the last day you'll act this way, you'll stop the drinking, the drugs and the partying, do you understand?"

He nods but thats not enough for me. "I want to hear you say you won't do it again!"

"I promise, I will be a good person, I'm so sorry." He cries helplessly.

"Shawn go."

He looks at the girl. "What about...her?"

"I will handle it...just remember, I took you home after the party and came back to get your car...meaning I caused the accident!"

His eyes widen at the realization of what I was planing on doing.

"No!" He takes my hand sobbing. "You can't take the blame!"

"Shawn just listen to me please...I will be okay, I'm not drunk so it can be seen as an accident."

He shakes his head refusing to listen to me. "I am the murderer do you understand me?"

I force him into my car. "Drive slowly. Drink some water." I hand him my water bottle. Shawn was more sobber now due to the shock.

"Samantha. I can't let you do this." He cries holding my hand.

"Yes you can. Now drive home and take a shower." I look at his clothes. "Wash those clothes." I tell him sternly.


"It's going to be okay kid." I say kissing his forehead.

He doesn't say anything else and drives home leaving me alone with the poor girl.

I look at the girl laying on the dirt. She probably has a family that adores her, she had hopes and dreams that my brother has made sure will never happen.

"I'm so sorry!" I began crying hysterically feeling so much guilt for what happened to her.

I sat beside her. "Please forgive me and my brother, I will go to jail for this...I promise I am willing to take the punishment on my brother's behalf."