The next morning I was in better spirits. I tried not to think about anything that would ruin my mood like my life being a complete lie. 

As I was slowly starting to sink into my thoughts I got a call from an excited Naomi telling me about her amazing trip with Evan. She and Evan had started seeing each other and things were going very well. I was so happy for her and hoped the two would be together for a long time.

"Morning everyone." Hikaru greeted happily.

I wave at her. "Morning. You look happy." 

"Well, I woke up feeling super happy for no reason, isn't that weird?" She laughs.

Maki nods. "It's odd but it happens."

I haven't felt that way in a long time. But coming to the office is giving me new found excitement and joy.

"Oh look Luna-chan is back." Maki said excitedly.

I curiously look at the woman who enters the room dressed elegantly yet professionally at the same time. Her light pink heels matched her blouse and the tight pencil skirt showed off her hips. She wore light makeup that enhanced her beauty.

"Morning everyone." 

She bows as a greeting. "I brought everyone snacks."

The rest of my colleagues clap happily. 

"Welcome back Luna, I hope you rested well." Mr kaze said.

She smiles, "I did. Now I'm ready to work harder."

There's this sweet aura around her. She looks like the type to always be happy and extremely sweet to everyone around her. She seems to be the opposite of me.

"Luna, this is Miss Houston Samantha." 

Luna turns acknowledging my presence. "Welcome, I am Luna nice to meet you." 

What do I always end up in such situations? What is the point of having to work with her knowing Nick and her have some sort of relationship.

"Nice to meet you." 

We shake hands. I can't help fake a smile so she doesn't get the wrong idea. Then again, what would be the wrong idea? Her thinking I don't like her?

Why should I like a woman who has some close relationship to my husband? Does she know about Nick and I? Does she even care that he is a married man now?

"Let's get closer and work well together." 


"It's always so exciting to have a new person in the office." She leans in closer, "It gives us the perfect excuse to go get drinks."

I squeeze out a laugh. 

"We will definatley get drinks soon." 

"I can't wait. I'm already mentally preparing for the hangover I'll have in the morning." She laughs clapping excitedly.

After only talking to Luna for less than two minutes I could feel how sincere and kind she is. I felt strangely jealous at her ability to be so childlike and loveable.

"Guys we will get super busy in the coming weeks as the new health supplements are done being developed. We need to come up with a proper stragedy to get it out there to the people and well known." 

Mr Kaze continues telling us more about the new product to give us ideas on how to market it out to our consumers. I was so thankful to have a proper distraction that would remove any other unnecessary thoughts from my mind.

This job will be the perfect distraction to help me with escaping my strange reality.


I rushed into the elavator praying I'd make it on time to the meeting room. I had been feeling  a little sick so I took the opportunity to go visit the doctor during my lunch break. 

My co-workers had no idea I am pregnant so I had to come up with an excuse in order to make Hikaru and Maki not suspect me of anything. 

The three of us have been eating lunch together for the past week but today I lied that a friend was in town so I had to meet up with him.

The two assumed I was off to meet a boyfriend or something but I didn't mind. 

The doctor performed an altra sound to see if my baby was okay and luckily everything was indeed okay.  I was just experiencing normal pregnancy symptoms.

"Why won't you show yet it's almost been two months now?" I thought to myself when I saw my reflection in the elavator mirror. My stomach was still flat and there was no sign of pregnancy yet.

The elavator opens and I rush to the huge meeting room. I had only been in there twice and both times it was abnormally cold in there.

I slow down when I spot my Husband whom I haven't been seeing much of as we have both gotten super busy due to the release of the new product.

He stood with Luna deep in conversation. 

I had to turn a blind eye whenever Luna leaves in the middle of working hours to go to the bathroom but doesn't return after an hour.

The thought that she might be with Nick makes me so mad. What's worse is that I don't know what to do.

They are speaking Japanese so I can only assume that they are talking about work. 

I pull my papers to my chest as if the papers would shield my heart from the ache it was feeling. 

I make my way to them trying to think of what to say. Nick had still not noticed me as he was so focused on her. 

"Miss Sammy," Luna sees me. "We missed you at lunch." 

"..." I only smile holding in my true emotions. 

"Shall we go inside Miss Sammy?" She asks.


I ignore Nick and enter the room with his lover. 

"Today we have a celebrity in our office." Luna excitedly said.

I walk over to Hikaru who had saved me a seat. Luna was dumbfounded but still followed me and sat beside me.

"So...did your boyfriend give you delicious lunch?"

"I was with a friend Hikaru."

"Yeah sure. Friend." She wiggles her brows. 

Nick walks in with Mr kaze and his assistant. I felt irritated when  Luna's eyes wouldn't leave him. 

"Good morning everyone. Today we will be introducing you our new brand ambassador for this new health supplement." Mr kaze said. 

I was very excited to see who would be the face of our product.

"Mr Nick Sakurada personally hand picked Mr Lee Jaehyun, a popular actor from south Korea who is well known internationally and adored here In Japan." 

My heart drops once again. I know that Jaehyun knows the truth now but still I can't help but feel like this will bring problems I do not feel like dealing with.

"Oh my god! Jaehyun is so handsome." Hikaru fan girls over him. "I cried the day It was announced he got married."

"His wife is related to Mr Sakurada." Maki whispers to us.

"Please come in Mr Jaehyun."

Jaehyun walks in bowing to show respect. His hair is now dark purple which honestly looks really good on him.

"Hello everyone.  I am Lee Jaehyun. I hope we can work well together." He looks directly at me.

The ladies clap excitedly admiring his looks. I didn't blame them, the man was attractive.

A short shubby guy follows him into the room. 

"Everyone this is Mr Hong. Mr Jaehyun's manager." 

Mr Hong smiles. "We are very pleased you chose Jaehyun, we will do our best to make you campaign a huge success."

I felt light headed suddenly which served as a reminder I skipped lunch in order to go to the hospital.

The meeting goes by and I can barely focus. When it was over I felt happy I didn't pass out infront of everyone.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luna asks probably noticing I wasn't okay. 

I nod. "I just-"