
I open my eyes to see a worried Nick by my side. He was holding my hand. 

"Where am I?"

"In my office, the doctor took a look at you earlier." 

"I am just hungry."

Nick smiles. "I ordered some delicious food for you. I knew you'd be hungry." 

"What is your relationship with Luna?" I ask against my better judgement. 

Nick is taken aback as he struggled to respond. He laughs nervously fidgeting around.

"Is she your ex girlfriend?" I directly ask wanting to know the truth. 

"Sammy you need to eat."

"Don't change the topic." 

I sit up so we could talk properly. 

"I'm not changing the topic. I just need you to take care of yourself and the baby." 

I don't want him to say that. It makes me think he only cares about the baby and nothing else. 

"Do you only care about the baby?" 


There's a knock on the door and in walks Luna and a worried Hikaru.

"Hi, we came to check up on Sammy."

Nick changes his expression. "Yes. Please come in." 

"No need, let's just go." I get up from the sofa. 

"You need to eat first."

"No. I will eat at the cafeteria." 

I walk over to the door. "Let's go ladies." 

"Okay." Hikaru nervously glances between Nick and I. 

I walk out of his office annoyed. I just wanted the truth. Why can't he just be honest with me?


"Are you sure you're okay?" Hikaru asked me. 

I nod downing my food. 

"When you fainted Mr Sakurada ran over to you, he was so panicked." She thinks to herself before continuing, "Even Mr Lee Jaehyun was worried."

I put down my spoon. "I shouldn't have skipped lunch. My friend and I went sight seeing and I didn't feel hungry at the time." 

Hikaru frowns. "Yes please don't ever skip your meals." 

My phone rings. I sigh seeing it was Nick calling me.

"Excuse me Hikaru."

"Go on."

I get up and head to the belcony that wasn't far from where we were sitting. 


"Why do you act like a child when you're upset?"

"Shouldn't I be upset when my husband is having an affair?!" 

Nick sighs heavily. "Please don't come up with your own conclusion."

"Why not? I did ask you earlier and you refused to say anything Nick!" 

"Sammy, I am not cheating on You, Luna and I dated years back, now she and I are strictly working together." 

I don't know if I can believe him. He lied to me so much that I don't know what is real of fake.

"You lied about lunch that day I saw you with her!" 

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to go about the whole situation, I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around her." 

"Why did you two meet up huh?"

"I wanted to apologize for how badly I treated her during our relationship...I wasn't a good person to her." 

Luna must be the woman he spoke of that time in the hotel. I thought it was Sana but I was wrong. Luna is the one he loves and keeps hurting. 

"Sammy I told You, I love you and I want our relationship to work." 

"Alright. We will talk at home." 

I hang up feeling conflicted. How do I trust him? Knowing what I know thanks to his own mother there is no chance I can trust him.


I was still upset after my meeting with Michael. He always made me feel anxious and nervous. The more he spoke to me the more I thought of Jaehyun's proposal.

Michaels death would bring me peace. I wouldn't have to worry about that monster hurting Nick or me any longer.

"Hello my dear." Miss Meisa walks into my bedroom carrying a fruit bowl for me.

I couldn't stop thinking about her alleged affair with Michael. I just can't imagine those two ning in love.

"I brought you some fruits." She places them infront of me. 

"Thanks mom." 

She sits down glancing around the very messy room.

"How is the packing going?"

"I am almost done." I decide to sit. "Miss Sakura helped me to pack so everything is going smoothly."

Miss Meisa had always been cold to Miss Sakura. She always acted hostile towards Miss Sakura for no reason and I never played too much attention to that. Could it be that Miss Meisa knows that Miss Sakura knows her secret?

"What's on your mind? You seem so distracted." 

I turn to her. "I want to know something mom."

"What is it dear?"

"What will Nick do to me after our baby is born?"

Her smile drops. I can see she is looking for a suitable response but she can't come up with one.


"That day, I heard you two." 

She gets up glaring at me. "You damned girl!" 

"Calm down and answer the question." I had to remain calm in order to get the upper hand.

She scoffs. "I don't know who you think you're talking to you disgusting murderer!"

"I understand you're angry but if you don't want the rest of the family to walk in on us I suggest you control your anger." 

She slaps me. "How can you be so heartless?!" 

I sigh. "I am not heartless. I am willing to accept whatever punishment you want, I just want to know what Nick will do." 

"I don't believe a word coming from your mouth, If you wanted to pay you would've been in jail right now!" She shouts in tears.

"I know I have done you wrong, I do not want your forgiveness just don't try to harm innocent people for my mistakes!"

"She grips me by the shoulders. "Your father and Michael are not innocent!" 

She was right. My father was far from innocent. He easily got the crime covered up.

"I want to know why you did it!" She shakes me. "Why did you take my daughter away from me?!"

I start crying as her pain was because of me and my family. Shawn killed her child and I tried to cover up the truth. Nicole hasn't gotten the justice she deserves because of me.

"I am sorry!" 

"You will soon be a mother and understand the pain of lossing a child!"

I shove her hearing that. What was she and Nick planning?

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that as soon as that baby is born you will never see it again." 


"You will rot in jail!"

I place my hand on my stomach. I was willing to accept any punishment. I was ready to suffer for my brother's sins but now that I have my baby to think about things are not that simple.

How do I protect my brother and my baby at the same time? How do I keep my family safe?

"If you don't help me make sure that doesn't happen I will tell Nick about you and Michael."

She gasps covering her mouth in shock. "What did you just say?!"

"I will tell Nick about your affair with his worst enemy."