Samantha Houston~

I have felt pain in my life. Pain that tore deep into my being. Pain that caused my very soul to tremble. This time it was different.

I felt numb. 

It hurt so bad I couldn't feel a thing anymore. After all the crying and sobbing I did not feel a thing. 

I was just ready for a way out now. I did not want to be anywhere near Nicholas Sakurada. I hated him unlike I have ever hated anyone before. 

The look of determination he had when he ran me over was my wake up call. I was his enemy. It did not matter how much I loved him or how much I begged him to think otherwise he'd only see me as his enemy.

The worst part is that I had no right to hate him for it. I was a part of the cover up that stopped my brother from facing justice. 

I was just as to blame for everything.

My baby had to pay for my sins and that was what killed me. A innocent baby had to die because of the adults being messed up.