She suddenly drops to her knees infront of my bed.

"Samantha please. I know you are a good person. You can't tell Nicholas about my affair. I beg you."

"Meisa were you the person that called me that night?"

She looks up confused. "What night?"

"The night Nick ran over me someone called claiming Nick was in a car accident. Was it you?"

Meisa shakes her head. "Do you think my son and I planned this?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"Samantha if I wanted you dead I would have poisioned you since you lived under my roof. Tell me why would we go so far? Nick was drunk. He hit you by accident."

I scoff. This was ridiculous. Meisa of all people won't tell me anything. I will find out who called me that night though. I will figure out who lured me outside.

"My son is a idiot. He never listens to me. He went and fell in love with you. You were supposed to be locked up in jail and not with him. Nick really didn't hurt you on purpose."