"I uh...I well yes." 

I play with the ring on my finger. I still couldn't get myself to take it off. I tried time and time and chickened out. 

"I know this isn't my place to say but you two love each other alot...I know alot has happened but I strongly believe you two belong together."

He gets up and hugs me. "Anyways I have to go. I just dropped by to see you." 

"Thank you Hoshi. I appreciate your kindness."

"Oh please...I am just a gentleman, there's no need to thank me."

I smile at him feeling extremely lucky that I met such a extraordinary human being. I know He will comfort Nick and help Nick heal from all of this.


Nicholas Sakurada 

"You two don't have a prenuptial agreement. What if she wants our money?" 

She sips her wine.

"We should call our lawyers and make sure she doesn't get a thing from us!"