Samantha Houston

"Samanatha I was so worried about You!" Hikaru is the first one to see me walk through the elavator.

I smile as she embraces me tightly. Maki rushed to my side smiling brightly at me.

"Mr Kaze Said you had a family emergency and we got so worried when you didn't answer your phone." Maki said to me.

I smile apologetically at them realising that they really were worried about me.

"I am sorry...things got crazy." I felt guilty for hiding the truth from my only friends here but explaining everything would just be a long and painful and thats a situation I don't want to be in.

"It's okay but please answer your phone from now on just for us to know you're alright."

"Yeah even a simple text would do."

I couldn't help but smile as I felt their concern for me was a way to show they cared.

"We didn't even get to drink with You yet." Maki says.

"Yeah. We couldn't have your party."