After our awkward lunch where Luna mostly spoke and I listened we returned to work and my first day back at work ended smoothly. Hikaru and Maki were abit upset I didn't have lunch with them but I promised to go out with them soon which made them excited.

When I got home I was tired just like I wanted. I felt like taking a long bath and heading straight to my bed but my sweet Naomi wanted us to talk.

Me being tired didn't stop her from trying to get "tea" from me. I dont know why she thinks Nick and I had a dramatic reunion. It was far from that.

When Nick stopped visiting me in the hospital I was a bit sad but mostly relieved as it helped me gather my thoughts. I needed time away from him and now I feel ready to be around him knowing it won't be long till I never see him again.

"Sit down and tell me, how was your talk with Nick!" Naomi was so excited it was funny to me.

I sat beside her on the sofa.