I turn to my mother. 

"Tell me Samantha is lying mom!" 

Mom was silent. Her face was pale and her body was shaking. I didn't want it to be true, I prayed that it wasn't true but the way my mother was acting told me otherwise. Michael really is my damn father. 

I shake my head in disbelief as I slowly backed away from her. "You're lying!" 

"Nick it's okay, please calm down." 

Samantha watches in silence don't getting herself involved. 

"son please, I know that I was wrong for hiding the truth from you. Please don't do this here, let's go home and talk this out." 

"I hate you mom!" 

She looks stunned at my words but I could care less, how could she only care about her image? Even at a time like this she only cared about appearances, she was only concerned with others might say about her. That's the kind of woman my mother is! Selfish and arrogant!