"I didn't do anything!" I yell angrily, "Was I the one who told you to have an affair with that disgusting man? Was I the one that told you to lie to Nick?" 

"shut up! Just shut your damn mouth before I BLOW your damn brains out!" 

Meisa starts crying hysterically. She was reeking of alcohol and seemed to be completely out of it. When I hear Naomi gently moan in main I sighed in relief because it meant she was still alive. 

"Naomi are you okay?" 

She doesn't respond and an angry Meisa fires a shot near me. "I told you to shut the hell up!" 

"Meisa people probably heard that gunshot, they will call the police and get you arrested so please stop before things get out of hand!" 

She shakes her head, "I don't care. As long as I make you pay for what your useless brother did to my daughter!" 

"I need you to please calm down before you do something you regret!"