11 years ago

The underworld got attacked by the evil man who was so addicted to demon crystal which can only be given to the next master of underworld. Xue yuan was so innocent he didn't know what was going on he was only 5 years old.

He's father as the ruler of the underworld all the ghosts and demons respected him but he didn't know his beloved brother was his enemy.

Xue yuan was with his mother sleeping on her lap peacefully he also had two big brothers who were just 8 and 10 years old playing with their friends.

But then Xue yuan's father Xue Cheng ran into the room were Xue ling (Xue yuan's mother) and Xue yuan were and said to leave the palace right away. Few maids came inside the room with his brother's Xue Liang and Xue Zheng both of them were badly hurt.

Xue ling asked them what was happening outside. Xue Cheng explained them that his brother Xue Zhong was after the demon crystal and how he tricked and betrayed him.

Xue ling and Xue Cheng were both so powerful but in this case they have to protect their kids so Xue Cheng said Xue ling to get out of the ghost realm and run away to mortal realm in disguise. For protecting the demon crystal Xue Cheng inserted it inside of Xue yuan.

Xue Cheng gave a last hug to his family and said goodbye to them Xue ling cried and said not to go but then he called his best general and told him to get them out from here. general Yu put them on the horse and told the horse to go as far as he can.

Xue ling knew how to control the horse she stopped the horse and got down she pulled out her flute and said the horse to take her kids somewhere safe Xue Zheng, Xue yuan and Xue Liang were all crying. Xue ling gave them a kiss on the forehead and went back to the palace to fight and die together with Xue Cheng.

The next day the horse came to the mortal world in disguise as a beautiful white horse the horse came to a place named Hua kingdom where the king was so kind and gentle but he didn't have any kids.

The Hua kingdom king name was Hua Xiang. He was roaming in the city then he saw a horse carrying three kids on its back. He went there and saw the two kids were badly hurt and one was just too small. He took those kids home and cleaned their wounds. Xue Zheng was the oldest so he said their names he didn't remember anything because everything happened too suddenly and also because of his injuries he lost his memories the only thing he remembered was their names.

The horse was no longer there he disappeared suddenly after few days the emperor announced them as his adopted kids Xue yuan called him dad many times Hua Xiang was so good father, he taught them everything gave them everything he can.