
One day the emperor Hua xiang was roaming in the kingdom with xue Zheng, xue yuan and xue Liang. He totally changed after they came in his life, he was no longer alone he became the happiest person ever he spent time with xue yuan so much.

The next day some person came in hurry and said he wanted to talk to the emperor so badly the emperor allowed him. Hua xiang asked him what he wanted to talk about.

The person said: "Your majesty the kids you have adopted are from the ghost realm but they are not ghost previously the lord of the ghost realm attacked the king of the ghost realm it is said to be that the lord was the king's big brother and he betrayed him to steal the demon crystal which can only be given to the next master of the underworld which also means that the demon crystal is only for the son of king but unfortunately the king and queen were killed and the demon crystal disappeared and the three prince were also disappeared on the top of a white horse."

The king was speechless and was also sad about what happened to the kids then the king asked the man "what exactly is this demon crystal?"

The man said: "Your majesty the demon crystal is so powerful and it is said that the user of the demon crystal can hold the power of the sword Feng xin which was the king's weapon it is so powerful it can kill 50 people in 1 sec and has ability to summon ghosts and also a flute which can control corpse and summon a dragon. And the person who has the crystal will become the strongest person in the ghost realm"

The king said the man that: "no matter who they are I will always take care of them no matter what happens. You can go now don't spread this to anyone. And don't you even dare to tell anyone that they are from the ghost realm or the next day you will wake up with no tongue"

The man said: "y-yes your majesty"

Hua xiang went to the kid's room he was so happy to have them he didn't care if they were from the underworld. He took care of them he wasn't even able to sleep without them soon he got married that year and his wife really loved the kids his wife was so pretty, intelligent, caring, kind and a softie her name was Hua Ming the they were a happy family.

After 11 years. The three kids really became so fine xue Zheng the most talented, caring, overprotective.

Xue Liang the most shy, soft and a nerd and xue yuan the most naughty, shameless, childish and caring

And their parents Hua Ming and Hua xiang who always loved them so much. But Hua Ming wasn't able to give birth to other child because she got into an accident and her kid died in the stomach but she loved the three and made them her only beautiful children.