Cloud Mountain

Every prince from the five different kingdoms came to the cloud mountain to learn how to use their spiritual swords from bai xiang the person who taught their parents how to use the spiritual sword.

From Jin kingdom: Jin wu, Jin xiong and Jin huisang.

From Shan kingdom: Shan lian and Shan Yao

From wen kingdom: wen yang

From yan kingdom: yan zhao and yan cheng

From hua kingdom: xue yuan, xue zheng and xue Liang

Bai xiang was adding partners to practice together every day Jin wu and wen yang, Shan lian and xue Liang, Shan Yao, Jin xiong and Jin huisang xue zheng and yan zhao

Lastly xue yuan and yan cheng. Everyone was busy controlling their swords whereas xue yuan and his best friends Shan lian and Jin wu were playing with insects they didn't notice that bai xiang was watching them from the back. Later bai xiang asked xue yuan to show how much he learned. Xue yuan named his sword qiong which is also meant as red jade. He called out qiong and his sword came as soon as possible, xue yuan now know how to call his sword.

Bai xiang asked him to attack him with his sword. Bai xiang was powerful he uses his hand fan to fight it is his weapon it has an ability to attack with ice and nature whereas qiong had an ability to attack with blue fire and black spirit power.

As they started fighting qiong got more powerful he dodged all the attack until bai xiang got tired and then attacked him. Bai xiang was impressed by xue yuan even though he wasn't paying attention he learned so much.

Bai xiang appreciated xue yuan after practicing bai xiang called everyone at a place and said: "you all have passed the first test and got strong with your weapons am so proud. I talked to your parents. You all will be staying in Cloud Mountain for a month so as I set partners for you all. You and your partner will practice or fight you have to do it from morning to afternoon then do whatever you want for 3 hours then I will conduct second test."

Everyone said "yes master" and left. there were 3 small houses 1 was taken by wen yang, shan lian, jin wu and xue liang other was taken by shan yao, jin xiong and jin huisang and last was for yan zhao, yan cheng, xue yuan and xue zheng.

Xue zheng and yan zhao already became close friends whereas xue yuan was annoying yan cheng. At night xue yuan came out of the house and went to pick his friends Jin wu and Shan lian. They both were waiting for xue yuan near the river. Everyone was sleeping peacefully. Then xue yuan went quietly to the river they three gathered. Xue yuan, Jin wu and Shan lian were playing with water then they got thirsty xue yuan called qiong and asked his sword to slowly and quietly bring wine from his house.

Qiong quietly went to xue yuan's tent and took the wine and slowly went to give it. Yan cheng woke up for water then he saw xue yuan was absent he then saw here and there he saw qiong taking a wine bottle outside he followed qiong quietly.

He saw xue yuan, Jin wu and Shan lian drinking at the river side. Yan cheng went and told this to bai xiang and went back to sleep the next day bai xiang called everyone to talk something important.

Then he glared at xue yuan he called him and asked him about last night then xue yuan said "what last night??"

Bai xiang said "yan cheng saw you and those two idiots *pointing at Jin wu and Shan lian*

Drinking last night when we were asleep is that true"

Jin wu and Shan lian gulped. Xue yuan said "well you see it was my idea it has nothing to do with those two so whatever u want to do. Do it to me.

Shan lian and Jin wu said "no master it was our idea please forgive us he didn't do anything he is just trying to save us"

Bai xiang said "*sigh* no one is doing nothing everyone back to their houses but for doing that you three have to write the whole practice book 8 times you three are honest that's good now go back and complete the punishment'

They three said "yes master"

Yan cheng was stunned by the behavior he didn't think they will try to save each other.

After wards it was practice time everyone and their partners started fight with their weapons.

Yan cheng had a sword and his name was xuchen who had an ability to use water and ice powers.

Yan cheng and xue yuan started to fight soon after the fight ended it was a draw between them both were powerful. Xue zheng and xue liang were also doing good but then xue liang was injured xue zheng and xue yuan ran towards him and took him to the medical tent where they use heal weapon which has an ability to heal a person in 10 mins.

Xue zheng was worried but then the healer told its ok to be worried but he will be fine you should go and continue your practice.

Xue zheng went back to his practice yan zhao was waiting for him. Then they both instead of practicing talked for hours. Xue yuan was shocked that his brother was talking so much with someone for the first time.

He went to yan cheng and asked him "hey can we talk for hours instead of practicing?"

Yan cheng said "I'm not interested in talking to you. If u want to practice then practice don't waste my time"

Xue yuan pouted and said "your no fun I don't know how you are yan Zhao's brother he is nothing like you"

Yan cheng walked away from there. Jin wu and Shan lian came running towards xue yuan and said "a-yuan lets go and do something interesting." Xue yuan said "what about a disaster!"

They both hyped and said "OH HELL YEAH"

Bai xiang was sleeping peacefully then xue yuan quietly sneaked inside and shaved his beard and ran away.

Xue yuan was now in trouble because everyone saw him shaving his master's beard. Everyone went and informed this to bai xiang. Then bai xiang came in anger and scolded xue yuan, Jin wu and Shan lian.

They got the punishment of writing the practice book for 40 times (practice book has 30,000 letters which will tell the rules about the cloud mountain). Yan cheng was so disappointed and was also angry. After few hours xue yuan was getting his punishment. His brother xue zheng came and said to xue yuan" was writing practice book for 8 times not enough? That now u have to write 40 times. You really never change *sigh*"

3 weeks were done now it was time for the second test. Xue yuan and yan cheng still didn't get close. Everyone became so powerful bai xiang gave xue yuan 10 times punishment for the whole three weeks because of his naughtiness and shamelessness. Everyone gathered for the second test.

Then the climate suddenly changed its mood and turned all black everything started to get dry everyone were confused even bai xiang xue yuan then heard a flute sound he asked yan cheng "a-cheng do u hear that" he said "hear what?" he said "the flute music do u hear it?" yan cheng then said "I don't hear it, are u dreaming?" xue yuan said "no I'm not I can clearly hear it" yan cheng was confused and the xue yuan pointed towards bai xiang and said "the flute sound its coming from him" yan cheng said to everyone "EVERYONE BACK OFF RIGHT NOW!"