Call of the demons

Everyone learned how to open their instrumental weapons but they all were thinking about what the old man said.

They all were returning to their kingdoms. Xue yuan was still in his thoughts yan cheng saw xue yuan was sitting alone on the boat and thinking something. He went near him and asked "what happened to your naughtiness today why are u sitting so silently? Did anything happen? You can tell me.

Xue yuan looked at him and said "u won't even believe what I will say. Why should I tell u and on top of that u don't know anything about what's going on..."

Yan cheng smiled and said "oh really? There is nothing that I don't know just you give it a try I won't let you down."

Xue yuan said " you believe in demons and gods?"

Yan cheng said "well.... of course I do believe in them."

Xue yuan said "do you hate demons will u believe me if I say I'm a demon"

Yan cheng froze there for a second then he replied "well I don't hate demons and if you're a demon then I don't think that I would hate you or something I would just behave how I'm behaving with you right now."

Xue yuan smiled at him and then slowly his smile faded again.

Yan cheng said "if there is anything else you can tell me."

Xue yuan said "well yeah there is something more.....I can't hide it from you since you are the one who I don't hide anything with."

Xue yuan took a deep breath then he explains everything to yan cheng about what ever happened with him from birth to present.

Yan cheng was shocked at what xue yuan said.

Yan cheng said "I think dinner is ready we should go."

Xue yuan looked down in sadness xue yuan's POV (I knew no one would believe me. Now yan cheng will think I'm crazy)

Yan cheng suddenly hugged xue yuan from the back he then stepped back xue yuan suddenly looked at him with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Yan cheng smiled at him and said "Don't you want to go fight your crazy uncle. Then you got to eat first.......don't worry I do believe you. you're not alone I'm here with you no matter what I will always be by your was kind of shocking since you told this suddenly but I do believe you. Because my father once said that he was friends with a demon. Well anyways let's go eat. Let's figure this out tomorrow.

Xue yuan couldn't believe what he said there were more tears rolling down his cheeks but this time they were joyful tears he wiped his tears and said "yes! Let's go!"

Yan cheng's POV (I don't know how you will behave when u find out who I am. Hopefully it shouldn't be bad).

[At night.]

Xue yuan and yan cheng were sleeping in their tent. Xue yuan suddenly woke up for drinking water. Then he found out that his water bag was empty. He slowly opened the tent and went outside for drinking water from the lake {they were still on boats}.

Xue yuan was filling water then suddenly he heard a voice "save us...young us demons from xue Zhong"

Xue yuan got scared he fall down. He started trembling and closed his ears the voice wasn't stopping it kept on saying "save us".

Xue yuan screamed "STOP IT! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Yan cheng heard it and came running outside.

He saw xue yuan trembling he went and hugged him and said "a-yuan calm down no one will hurt you I'm here!"

Xue yuan said "I'm scared I'm so scared what should I do!"

Yan cheng said "tell me what happened why u are trembling like this"

Xue yuan said "s-some people are calling my name they are saying s-save us.....young master.....s-save us demons from xue zhong...." He kept on trembling and was scared.

Yan cheng gave him a warm hug and said "a-yuan you are not alone I will help you win the fight lets go to hua kingdom and inform it to your's time for war....the call of the demons has come"

Yan cheng clenched in anger.

Xue yuan fell asleep. Yan cheng put him on bed and went outside and started saying spells.

Shan kingdom and wen kingdom boats already reached their destiny.

[The next morning].

To be episode is going to be interesting for more updates keep reading mingjie zhi zhu